Talk About it Tuesday is a weekly program hosted by the Dare to Care Peer Educators. The goal of this programming is to provide information about various topics surrounding sexual assault and misconduct and encourage Knox students to talk about it! We know we are our own best tools for prevention; information, resources, and intentionally taking steps to normalize these types of conversations can help prevent sexual harassment in all its forms.
Each term of the academic year has a different Talk About it Tuesday theme, and each of our D2C Peer Educators will share this information throughout the term. This year, we are focusing our outreach efforts on our Instagram, so be sure to follow us @knoxdaretocare, and look out for our weekly posts, which will include helpful information and some fun activities to go along with our topics, as well as past Instagram Lives.
Sexual Health Resources
How Can We Have Safer Sex?
Safe Sex Cheat Sheet
Terminology on the Go!
The Condom Hotline
Important Resources
Flirting 101
Party Culture
Dating Apps and Online Dating
Identities and Inclusive Sex Education
Sex Ed Science Fair
Understanding Sex, Pleasure, and You
Healthy Relationships
How Can We Engage in Healthy Relationships?
10 Signs of a Healthy Relationship
Healthy Relationship and Personality Test
Introduction to Sexual Citizenship
Introducing Sexual Projects
The Intersection of Social Expectations and Cultural Frameworks with Sexual Projects
Introducing Sexual Citizenship
Upbringing and Sexual Citizenship
Social Identities and Power through the Lens of Sexual Citizenship
Introducing Sexual Geography
Continuing Sexual Geography
Understanding Power