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Ford Center for the Fine Arts

Katherine Zhang


Major in Biochemistry and Creative Writing

Katherine is an aspiring medical professional who has a wide range of interests and involvements on the Knox College campus.

Katherin Zhang ’23

What is your major and why?

I am a biochemistry and creative writing major. The biochemistry major puts me on track for pre-med. I want to be a physician because when I was younger, my mum had a heart disease that, though curable, involved a very high-risk surgery. Since then, I've wanted to look into new techniques that reduce the risk of surgery while still allowing the patient to fully recover. That inspired me to take the STEM route and be a pre-med student. This decision was only reinforced in high school, where I had the opportunity to intern at hospitals and shadow doctors and nurses. The bond that was created between the patients and professionals was incredible and it evoked this sense of warmth in me that I would love to foster eventually. 

Writing, on the other hand, has always been a way to release my emotions, discover myself, and understand the world around me. I focus primarily on poetry and writing screenplays. I was encouraged to do the latter in middle school, where we learned how to make microfilms, which are movies that last around 30 minutes. Ever since then, I couldn’t help but continue developing my interest in screenwriting.

What are some of your involvements on the Knox campus? 

My first year at Knox, I joined the Ultimate Frisbee team and I am still a part of it today. Being on the team has taught me a great deal about teamwork and learning to pace myself. I have only ever played solo sports and this gave me insight into working with other people and coming together as a team. I also joined UNICEF in my first year at Knox because I loved the idea of working with children—they are very blunt and honest about their views on the world, and I have come to appreciate their honesty. Working with UNICEF also taught me to value what I have and appreciate the little things life has to offer. I am also an executive member of the International Club. Being a part of this club has given me a great window to broaden my perspective, discover new cultures, and interact with people from all over the world. I am currently the senior class president. We work closely with the administration to organize senior week, which usually takes place after finals and before Commencement. 

What do you like most about Knox?

There is a lot about Knox that I am grateful for. Being here has helped me grow tremendously in all dimensions, be it academics or confidence. A large part of that would be because of my study-abroad experience in England, where I studied Shakespeare and anatomy at Oxford University. Being in this new environment pushed me out of my comfort zone, gave me the opportunity and ability to start a conversation with anyone, and made me more independent. The classes at Oxford were structured in a completely different manner from the way they are at Knox. I had one-on-one classes with the professors that were entirely discussion-based. We would argue about a certain topic and they would never correct us unless we said something factually incorrect. I also learned to play polo during my time there! Knox’s study abroad program made it possible for me to explore and discover the world. 

The professors at Knox are my next favorite thing about Knox. They are always approachable, friendly, and welcoming. They have supported me through my time here at Knox and I am truly grateful for them. John and Elaine Fellowes Professor in English Robert Smith was an amazing resource, as was Professor of Chemistry Diana Cermak. She is tough, but she is really good. They have taught me that if I put my mind to it, I can do anything. 

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Knox College

Printed on Thursday, October 17, 2024