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One of the most popular sports on campus, Ultimate Frisbee is a co-ed, non-contact sport that combines the strategies of soccer, football, and basketball -- it revolves around the catching and throwing of a disc, and, of course, having fun.
The team members never seem to lack creativity in deciding on a team name, either: Casual Mexican Dining and Xonk (Knox spelled backwards) have both been names of the team in past years. Players don everything from sports gear to kilts and mini-skirts while playing other teams.
Ultimate Frisbee also prides itself on being one of the most communal sports on campus, and it also has an alumni team.
While fun is the main aim of the team, don't be fooled -- the practice and competition are both intense. The club practices throughout the whole school year and travels to tournaments in the fall and spring. Tournaments and tournament locations in the past have included:
The club is always striving to improve and have a great time doing it. If you're interested in joining one of the biggest sports at Knox, don't be worried if you haven't played before -- experience isn't necessary. Just come with a desire to play and learn.
A.B.L.E. (Allied Blacks for Liberty & Equality) was founded.
Open to students of all races, uniting them around common concerns regarding the Black experience