Galesburg, Illinois
Major in History, Minors in Museum Studies and Environmental Studies
Please tell us what you’ll be doing after graduating from Knox, and what you plan to do professionally.
I have enrolled in a master's program at the University of Minnesota in Heritage Studies and Public History. Public History is a term that emerged in the ‘70s to describe how history was being used outside of the academy: historic sites, community organizations, parks, archives, museums, etc. I think that museums, in particular, are really special places that have the power to subvert the dominant narratives of history and uplift marginalized voices. In order to do that, though, you have to treat museum work as an exercise in activism. Eventually, I hope to become a curator of history in a museum that values social equity and restorative justice.
Describe your time at Knox and the impact your education will have on your after-Knox life.
I'm from Oregon, and I committed to Knox sight unseen, so coming here was a bit of a risk. I had no idea what I was getting myself into, but I wouldn't change it for the world. Knox has made me much more independent and confident in myself, and I've built fulfilling and sustainable relationships. I can't possibly give my advisor, Cate Denial, enough praise, but I'll never stop trying. Even when I didn't want to, or didn't think that I could, Cate pushed me to aim higher and dream bigger. Knox has shown me that I'm capable of so much more than I ever thought possible, and I'm incredibly grateful to all of the professors I've had for facilitating that growth.
Can you describe a favorite memory or two from your time at Knox?
I absolutely loved working for the Dean of the College while at Knox. Our administration consists of some really dedicated people who really love the College and students, and they're really fun to spend time with. One time, everyone in the office dressed up like Tim Foster to celebrate his birthday—think gray cardigan, glasses, skinny scarf. He was surprised, to say the least.
Playing for Knox Ultimate was a huge part of my Knox experience. I joined the team fall term freshman year and found some of my best friends through practices and weekend tournaments.
Why is Knox important to you?
The Knox experience is truly unlike any other. The campus is on the smaller side, but for me, that just meant that my relationships ran deeper. We joke about it a lot, but it really is a human-powered experience: Knox is special because of the people here. Everyone from Penny in the caf to the professor outside of your major cares about you and genuinely wants to see you succeed. This kind of community doesn't come around by accident, and I'm incredibly lucky to have been able to call Knox home for four years.