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Office of Communications
2 East South Street
Galesburg, IL 61401
The Office of Communications recognizes the great things our students are doing both inside and outside of the classroom through news and features, publications, and social media. To add to our coverage of student achievements, we have partnered with Merit, an online service that helps us share these achievements with our students' hometown newspapers and high schools, as well as their families and friends.
A few examples of the accomplishments that will be shared include:
These accomplishments will be highlighted on Knox's institutional Merit page and will appear on an individual Merit page dedicated to each student. This professional profile can be shared with prospective employers and graduate school admission counselors.
The Office of Communications receives student achievements from the Registrar and other departments at Knox. This information is used to develop personalized stories featuring these accomplished students. Through Merit, the stories will be shared with each student's high school and hometown newspaper for publication. The stories will also be posted on the Knox Merit page and each student's personal Merit page.
These web pages give students a powerful, positive online identity endorsed and managed by Knox. Achievements created by the Office of Communications will be automatically posted to these pages as accomplishments verified by the College.
Merit pages help students highlight their success in one place and allows them to expand their profile beyond their verified collegiate achievements with a profile photo, short biography, work experience, organization affiliations, and other campus activities. Students can even customize their page URL to include on their resume and share with potential employers or graduate school admission counselors.
Students can also connect their Merit page with social networks, giving friends and family the chance to see and learn about their accomplishments as a Knox student.
To claim their page, students go to the Knox Merit page and enter their name in the search function. They will then be given instructions on how to claim their Merit page. Students will also receive an e-mail notification when they receive an achievement that includes instructions on how to claim their page.
Students who would prefer not to have their accomplishments sent to their hometown newspaper and high school or listed on the Knox Merit page can follow the opt out instructions at the bottom of any Merit e-mail they receive or follow these instructions.
Students, faculty, or staff who have questions about Knox Merit pages are encouraged to contact the Office of Communications.