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Knox Advisory Committee on Socially Responsible Investing
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Student Financial Services, Office of
Brad Nolden
Following a series of executive orders and new legislation from the new U.S. presidential administration and 119th U.S. Congress, a cross-functional team of College leaders have been working to review the orders and their impact on the institution. At this time, there are very few answers about the policy changes, but the College will share more as more information becomes available.
With heightened concerns about immigration, identity, processes and culture, we would like to remind students, faculty and staff about existing policies and resources in place to support those in our community.
Occasionally, outside law enforcement agencies will come to campus for investigations under their jurisdiction.
Regardless of the factual complexities of any matter, these three steps will ensure a consistent institutional approach to any interaction.
First, call Campus Safety at (309) 341-7979, report the situation, and ask to speak with Bradley Nolden, general counsel and vice president for administration.
If Vice President Nolden is not available, Campus Safety will ensure that he receives the information and will call back shortly.
The Office of the Attorney General issued information to help immigrants living in Illinois protect themselves and their loved ones from unconstitutional and discriminatory action.
Faculty and staff, as employees of the College, should be aware of their legal obligations to protect student information under FERPA. Student education records include any written or recorded information about students, contact information, grades or advising records, medical information, student life or behavior records, etc.
The Knox Office of Communications, as well as other offices, departments, clubs, and organizations, produces content (photos, videos, web stories) that may feature students. When creating content that includes students, please obtain their permission before sharing the content. Students who do not wish to have their image used for marketing purposes, please fill-out a media opt-out form.
Federal immigration enforcement officers are required to have a criminal arrest or search warrant to lawfully enter limited access, nonpublic areas without consent. Most often, immigration officers who might come to campus would be acting on civil, not criminal, authority, and generally carry administrative warrants. Administrative warrants are not signed by a judge and do not authorize officers to enter limited access areas without consent, including residence halls.