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Knox College welcomed over 350 first-year and transfer students for the academic year 2019-20.


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New Students Welcomed to the Knox Community

Knox College welcomed over 350 first-year and transfer students for the academic year 2019-20.

President Teresa Amott and other College officials formally welcomed almost 350 first-year and transfer students to the Knox community on Friday, September 13.

“You have traveled from near and far, to this threshold—your home might be in Wisconsin, California, or Florida or in Vietnam, Nepal, Chile, Nigeria or Brazil. But starting today, you all have a second home in Galesburg,” President Amott said. 

“Consider this city your second home,” she added. “This is a place to begin to practice the art of civic engagement—a place to begin to change the world.”

President Amott advised the new students, who make up the 182nd class to enter Knox, to become both teachers and learners, and to “learn from the people the least like you.”

Vice President for Enrollment and Dean of Admission Paul Steenis told the incoming class: “We know what you’re capable of.” He encouraged them to to build on the foundation and  accomplishments that they came to Knox with, and to embrace the diversity of ideas that exists in the community. 

Most new students moved onto campus on Friday, September 13, while several others—including student athletes, TRIO and SPARK program participants, and international students—arrived earlier. 

New members of the community described feeling welcomed by the Knox community. “There’s a friendly vibe to the campus. Knox puts students as their first priority, and the small campus makes it feel more like home,” said Natasha Sutaria, a first-year student from India. At Knox, she hopes to join Knox College Choir and International Club.

Tanay Singh, a transfer student from California, said: “So far, I’ve really enjoyed the community here at Knox. It feels very close-knit and connected to nature.” His Knox bucket-list includes learning more about Flunk Day, and exploring his interest in business and management.

The new students spent four days learning more about one another and the overall Knox community through various orientation activities like individual advising appointments, consent  workshops, and Library visits. On Monday, September 16, new student orientation ended with Pumphandle, the annual tradition when all Knox students, faculty, and staff come together to welcome each other back to campus. 

Here are some key facts about the Fall 2019 entering class:
Number of new students: 354
Students of Color: 44%

  • Latino/Hispanic: 19%
  • Asian/Pacific Islander: 12%
  • African-American/Black: 15%
  • Native American: 3%

International Students: 21%
Number of States and Territories Represented: 33
Number of Countries Represented: 24

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Printed on Sunday, March 16, 2025