The Cherry Street Combo's album art
Photo by Mitch Prentice ’17

Recorded during Spring break 2023, the Knox College Cherry St. Combo recently released their first album since 2019, titled Chameleon. The album captures the essence of the group’s composition and musical exploration.

The Cherry St. Combo traveled to Chicago and spent five days at the renowned Electrical Audio studio during the recording process. Known for its exceptional live room, the studio provided the perfect space to capture the energy and spontaneity of the band's performance. Andy Crawford, managing director of Knox College’s Music Performance Program, says the recording session was an immersive experience for everyone involved, with each member contributing to the development and refinement of the material.

“You can hear the personality of the band on each track,” Crawford said. “Members eventually leave the combo, but this is something they can hold onto forever.”

The entire recording and distribution of the album were funded by the Henke Music Fund. The album will be available at every Thursday jazz night and at major jazz events on campus. You can also stream it now on all major music platforms.