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Heather Hoffmann
Robert M. & Katherine Arnold Seeley Distinguished Professor and Chair of Psychology
2 East South Street
Galesburg, IL 61401-4999
Major, Minor
We study the mind, the brain, and behavior: in other words, the way humans and other animals work. Our students and faculty conduct research on topics (gossip and materialism, smoking addiction and sexual arousal, memory improvement, and anxiety disorders) that can be both rigorously theoretical and profoundly practical. For students who are looking to pursue graduate studies in experimental psychology, a bachelor of science degree provides deeper engagement with Knox's science and math curriculum. We also offer a wide range of internships and study abroad opportunities—working with local schools, helping destitute women at a residential home in India, or taking specialized classes in neuroscience at the University of Aberdeen.
We also run Clinical Psychology Term, one of Knox’s immersive terms. Our students publish articles in major journals, attend national conferences, and generally act like younger colleagues of our renowned faculty. Our alumni work in family therapy and crisis counseling, in law and education, in human resources and marketing; our program is also a top producer of Ph.D. students in psychology.
Our students have access to the same research labs and equipment that are used by the faculty. For example, students can unobtrusively observe the behavior of children, adolescents and/or adults in our laboratory with one-way mirrors. They can do small- and large-scale survey research using online software. They can use our psychophysiological equipment for measuring facial and bodily responses from research participants under a variety of conditions or situations, e.g., while watching emotion-inducing films. They can record EEGs (brain waves) while people sleep and dream. Students can also test rats in a range of tasks (mazes, operant conditioning apparatus) while the animals are under the influence of various therapeutic and recreational drugs.