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Political Science

Contact Us

Andrew Civettini

Chair & Associate Professor of Political Science; Chair of International Relations; Chair of Public Policy

2 East South Street

Galesburg, IL 61401



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Ford Center for the Fine Arts

Major, Minor

How We Work

  1. Our faculty have a range of methodological and political perspectives. You might take "American Constitutional Law," join JusticeCorps, or participate in pre-law advising—all with Professor Bell. With Professor Kampwirth, you'll learn about Latin American politics and women worldwide in classes like "LGBT Politics in Latin America" or "Global Feminism and Antifeminism."
  2. We're involved in politics from the ground up. Our students serve as interns in various areas of the government, like Brad Middleton '08, whose internship for Senator Durbin became a full-time job when he graduated. You can even participate in the Washington Semester Program through American University, where you'll have the opportunity to pursue academic study and an internship in a variety of disciplines. Some of our majors go on to a political career of their own. Elaine Wilson Stern '09 has spent her career on Capitol Hill and is now the Director of Government Relations for the Foreign Policy Initiative.
  3. We create knowledge. Through independent studies and Honors projects, our students gain hands-on experience in pursuing original research. Charlie Harned '16, an ASSET Fellow, conducted primary research for his paper "Research on Reform to the American Democratic System." He spent the summer examining the impact of three political initiatives (redistricting reform, nonpartisan primaries, and campaign finance reform) on Americans across the country. For our students who pursue advanced degrees, long-term research experiences like Harned's are invaluable.
  4. We learn locally. We know that our students don't just belong to the Knox community; you also belong to the Galesburg community. In "Power and Social Justice in Galesburg," you'll spend a term examining the issues facing your new home. The course explores race/ethnic relations, the politics of economic development, poverty policy, and urban sustainability. For your final project, you'll create a research paper analyzing and proposing solutions for problems facing the local community.
  5. We learn globally. In classes like "Women and Latin American Politics," "European Governments," and "Religion and World Politics," you'll learn about political issues all over the world. But we don't stop there. Many of our students spend a term (or more!) abroad. You can learn about the political history and contemporary relations throughout the middle east in Jordan: Area & Arabic Language Studies (Amideast).


Estimated Salary of Alumni with Political Science Degrees

Students gather to watch the Clinton - Trump Presidential Debate on big-screen TVs in Alumni Hall.

Students gather together to watch and discuss political debates.

We're Recognized for Achievement

Our students distinguish themselves through academic achievement, which leads to fellowships and scholarships at the undergraduate and graduate level.

Here are a few ways our students are being recognized:

  • Fulbright Scholarships
  • Clarence Darrow Scholarship, University of Michigan Law School
  • Graduate Fellowship, Vanderbilt University
  • Associated Colleges of Illinois "Shining Example Award"
  • Illinois State Legislature Graduate Fellowship Award
  • Kemper Scholarships
  • Phi Beta Kappa

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Printed on Tuesday, March 25, 2025