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Latin American Studies

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Julio Noriega

Burkhardt Distinguished Chair in Modern Languages (Spanish); Chair of Latin American Studies

2 East South Street

Galesburg, IL 61401



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Ford Center for the Fine Arts

Major, Minor

What is this place we call "Latin America?" Who are Latin Americans? And why should people in the United States care about the region and its people? For starters, close to 20 percent of the U.S. population identifies as Latin American, yet most have a very limited understanding of who these fellow citizens are. Latin Americans speak Spanish, but also Portuguese and Dutch and half a dozen other languages.They come from centers of global business as well as struggling economies. They are African, European, Native American. And when they come to the United States, it's not necessarily to live the American Dream.

We strive to shatter misconceptions with a multidisciplinary approach, studying the religion, economics, art, and culture of the Latin American world. Faculty with diverse backgrounds in fields such as language, political science, art, and history will guide you in your journey.Through an array of courses and a final integrated project, students discover that Latin American countries have linguistic, ethnic, cultural, and political differences that are sometimes as great as their similarities.

At Knox, we understand that living in a culture is one of the most efficient ways to better understand it. Through exploration of Latin American media, religion, and economics, as well as engagement in our many study abroad opportunities, students gain a deeper understanding of the complexity of Latin America and its impact on business, the environment, geopolitics, and popular culture.


Estimated Salary of Alumni with Latin American Studies Degrees

Argentina - photo taken and submitted by Kathryn Frank, from her study in the off-campus study program in Buenos Aires. - study abroad.

Photo taken and submitted by Kathryn Frank from her experience in the off-campus study program in Buenos Aires.

We Work Well With Others

A minor in Latin American Studies complements a variety of different majors.

  • Science majors with an interest in environmental issues can benefit from an understanding of social issues that shape the debate over degradation of the region's rainforests.
  • Social science majors can expand their understanding of political and cultural factors that shape economic development in countries whose economies are increasingly integrated with that of the United States.
  • Educational studies students can gain knowledge that will assist in their teaching U.S. students from diverse backgrounds, increasing numbers of whom are immigrants from Latin America or of Latin American descent.

We Work Fast

An alternative to term-length classes, but no less valuable, is Knox's Quick Start language program in Spanish. This innovative introductory language program integrates grammar and cultural studies on the Knox campus with a short intensive course abroad. Quick Start Spanish has taken classes to Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, and Mexico.

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Printed on Sunday, March 23, 2025