
Investing in our community

Knox is dedicated to a fully residential liberal arts education, supported by world-class faculty, staff and facilities on the Illinois prairie.

Knox College for Kids students gather around a teacher who is holding a bouquet of flowers

The single most important aspect of Knox is our people.

We must provide them with opportunites to find professional and personal success all in a supportive environment.

Here's how.

A Knox college science professor stands in front of two students. The professor is wearing blue surgical gloves, and one student is holding a pipette. A Knox college science professor stands in front of two students. The professor is wearing blue surgical gloves, and one student is holding a pipette.

Invest in and support students, faculty, staff and alumni

Scholarships and services for our students, postgraduate support and engagement for our alumni, and compensation for faculty and staff are key to Knox's success.

Alumni Hall in the fall on the Knox College campus Alumni Hall in the fall on the Knox College campus

Develop vibrant, sustainable campus facilities

Through renewal and modern design, Knox will invest in facilites that support our academic programs and provide modern living-learning spaces.

  • Driving strategic growth
    Knox College must be on the cutting edge of teaching and learning in order to lead, grow, and thrive in the 21st century.
  • Enriching the student experience
    Knox will create an educational model to provide students with opportunities to pursue and apply knowledge.