Cardiologist in Miami, Florida
Major in History
Tell us about your work, your duties and responsibilities, prior to the COVID-19 pandemic.
I have been involved in the care of COVID-19 patients in both settings. Prior to the pandemic, I would perform outpatient clinical cardiovascular services which include clinical risk assessment, echocardiogram (both non-invasive and invasive echocardiogram studies), stress test, electrocardiogram interpretation, as well as inpatient care of patients with cardiovascular disease and illnesses.
Has the pandemic changed your role at work, and if so, how? More broadly, how is the pandemic affecting what you see at work on a regular basis, e.g., employee workloads, the number of patients seeking help?
The pandemic has changed the landscape of my profession. In addition to taking care of COVID-19 patients, the pandemic has caused us to change the method of which we interact with our patients. This has led to the widespread usage of TeleMedicine for the first time (previously only used for rural medical practice). I find myself engaging in this method frequently now instead of personal face-to-face interaction with my patients. Also in the hospital, the constant use of PPE and disinfecting medical equipment has become even greater of a necessity than it was before.
The pandemic has also led me and others in my profession and field to be concerned and disappointed at the availability of PPE (Personal Protective Equipment). This is more of a concern for certain members of the healthcare field than others, of course, but it is distressing to feel that my colleagues are being placed on the lines without adequate means to protect themselves from a highly contagious virus.
What is a fact and/or piece of advice you can offer to people to help them understand what is happening and how they should respond to maintain their health as well as they can?
My biggest piece of advice for people is to take this virus seriously. It can affect the young and old and you can even spread it without realizing it to a vulnerable person. Handwashing, avoiding touching your face, social distancing and wearing facial covering is extremely important during these times. Please help the vulnerable, those in the healthcare field and society at large by staying home.
I am truly looking forward to the day when I do not have to worry about bringing the virus home to my family.