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Ford Center for the Fine Arts

Tom Farrell '76, P'12

Denver, Colorado

Major: Chemistry

Farrell's writing earned a spot on Kirkus Reviews’ Best Indie Books of 2021, as well as being named Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers' Writer of the Year.

Tom Farrell '76, P’12, has lived a multifaceted career as a chemist, commercial lawyer, and now a successful author. It all began with his transformative time at Knox College. 

Growing up, Farrell’s decision to attend Knox was influenced by a high school counselor and the stories of friends who had enrolled the year before. Ultimately, it was Knox’s facilities, especially the Umbeck Science-Mathematics Center, that sealed the deal as he joined the College as a pre-med student and majored in chemistry.

At Knox, Farrell thrived academically and outside the classroom. He fondly recalls his time at Green Oaks, a highlight of his college experience, where he explored environmental studies. This experience mirrored a summer program he attended in Colorado, which sparked his interest in water pollution and led to an independent research project. 

Although Farrell initially intended to go into medicine, his path shifted towards law. He would eventually move to Denver to start his law practice in 1979. Specializing in bankruptcy cases, he became an expert in the field and enjoyed the challenges of running his practice until his retirement in 2012.

“I enjoyed building my practice. There was always something new happening all the time, always a new challenge,” Farrell added. 

Farrell’s time at Knox not only laid the foundation for his professional career but also fueled his passion for writing. Although he had little formal creative writing experience during his college years—Knox’s creative writing major launched just as he was graduating—he had long been a “scribbler.” After years of writing on the side while practicing law, Farrell fully dove into his writing career after retirement, publishing Wager Tough in 2021, the first in his mystery-thriller series set in the world of sports betting. The book was a success, earning a spot on Kirkus Reviews’ Best Indie Books of 2021 and garnering starred reviews for each subsequent installment.

Farrell’s connection to writing was further strengthened by his involvement with the Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers (RMFW), where he served as vice president and was voted Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers' Writer of the Year for 2024. Farrell’s award will be formally announced at an RMFW conference in September, where he will also host a masterclass on crafting audiobooks. 

He attributes much of his writing success to the support of critique groups and writing communities, something that echoes his Knox days as a member of Phi Delta Theta, where he honed leadership skills as treasurer.

Today, Farrell is working on the fourth installment in The Wager Series, with no plans to slow down. Whether he’s meeting with his RMFW critique group or golfing with fellow Knox alumni, including his son, Mark, who graduated in 2012, Farrell’s journey from Knox College to the world of publishing is a testament to the lasting impact of his college experience.

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Knox College

Printed on Tuesday, October 15, 2024