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Housing Selection

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Ford Center for the Fine Arts


We know from experience that Room Selection can be a confusing and stressful time, but it doesn't have to be, we are here to help!  Reach out to us at with any questions.  Read below for information about: 

  • Housing Selection Timeline
  • Speciality Housing
  • Off-Campus Request Application for Rising Seniors
  • Room Selection for Students with Residential Accommodations
  • General Housing Selection information (application, roommate/suitemate matching, priority numbers, general process overview)

Housing Selection Timeline

  • 1/29 - Cultural Center and Theme House  (Specialty Housing) Applications Open
  • 2/1 - Specialty Housing Information Session (12pm and 5pm)
  • 2/12 - Specialty Housing Applications are due
  • 2/13 - Off-Campus Request Applications for Rising Seniors Open
  • 2/24 - Specialty Housing Applications Approved, Students Housed
  • 2/27 - Off-Campus Request Applications for Rising Seniors Close
  • 3/3 - 
    • Renewals for Residential Accommodations are due to Disability Services
    • Off-Campus Request Decisions Announced via email
  • 3/24- New Requests for Residential Accommodations due to Disability Services
  • 3/27 - FSL House Rosters due
  • 4/5 - Single Room Selection via MyHousing Portal for students with approved residential accommodations for a single room 
  • 4/7 - Applications for General Housing Selection Process opens; Roommate Matching Available
  • 4/17 - General Housing Selection Application Closes
  • 4/19 - Priority Numbers generated and shared via MyHousing Portal
  • 4/20 - General Housing Information Session
  • 4/25 & 4/26 - Rising Seniors select housing 
  • 5/1 & 5/2 - Rising Juniors select housing
  • 5/4 & 5/5 - Rising Sophomores select housing

Speciality Housing

Students interested in living in one of our Cultural Centers, creating a Theme House, or living in one of our permanent theme houses should participate in our Specialty Housing process! The application opens on January 29th with two informational sessions taking place on February 1st at 12pm and 5pm in Taylor Lounge. Applications are due on February 12th.

Students applying to live in a cultural center are encouraged to apply with a small group. Applications that include a full house roster will receive priority consideration. 

All students who apply for specialty housing will receive notification of their assignments by February 24th.

Off-Campus Request Application for Rising Seniors

As you know Knox is a four year residential college which means that students are required to live on campus throughout their time at Knox. Each year, we offer an application for rising seniors to be exempted  from the requirement and permitted to live off-campus. This year a committee will review applications for the off-campus requests and grant a very small number of rising seniors the opportunity to live off-campus. Cases for off-campus permissions may fall into categories such as:

  • Individuals 23 years of age or older by the approximate time fall term begins
  • Students who have already completed four years of college work (12 terms) before an academic year begins
  • Students who are married or in a legally recognized civil union
  • Students with dependent minors

If an application is approved, the student forfeits the option of selecting a room during room selection. Students must complete a meal plan contract if they wish to remain on board. Off campus housing arrangements may affect financial aid. Students must notify the Office of Student Financial Services if their housing status changes at any time. Please note:The number of applications approved will be very limited, so students should not enter any off-campus housing agreements or sign leases until they receive approval from the College. 

Applications will be available via Google Forms starting February 13th. Applications are due on Monday, February 27th. Students approved to live-off campus will be notified by March 3rd. 

Room Selection for Students with Residential Accommodations

Students with endorsed residential accommodations through the Office of Disability Support Services will select housing on April 5th. We are committed to helping students with approved residential accommodations find housing that best fits their needs. With that in mind, this year, students with approved single room accommodations will also be able to include a group of two when selecting housing. For example, a student who fills a single room in Post Hall could fill a nearby double room with two friends. 

Please note: If you have not previously had residential accommodations endorsed by Disability Support Services and will be pursuing a medical single room accommodation for the next academic year, the deadline to submit the request to the Disability Support Services office is March 24th in order to participate in single room selection on April 5th. 

Preparing for General Room Selection

If you don’t participate in the earlier selection processes listed above, then general selection is for you! General housing selection includes all of the housing options found here


This year’s general housing selection application will open on April 7th and will be available on your MyHousing portal. The application includes the Housing Agreement for next year and questions to build your roommate/suitemate matching profile. The application will be due on April 17th.

Roommate/Suitemate Matching

In order to participate in general housing selection, students must match with a roommate and will have an opportunity to build a group of suitemates/apartment mates. In order to begin searching for a roommate/suitemate to build your group, each roommate must first complete the housing application. In an effort to help students identify potential roommates/suitemates, the Campus Life Office will host their program “Buddy Up!”. An email advertising the event will be sent early in the Spring term.

Priority Numbers 

Once applications are completed, priority numbers will be generated for students in order to identify a general housing room selection time. Priority numbers are generated for students based on class year and total term credits earned. Room selection times are generated for groups based on whomever in the group has the best (lowest) number. Only students who we expect to be on campus and who live in the residence halls during the academic year will receive numbers. Examples of students who will not receive numbers are:

  • Students on full-year off-campus programs for the following academic year
  • Resident Assistants
  • Students who may graduate by the end of the current academic year
  • Students who are currently on a leave of absence
  • Students who have indicated intent to transfer or take leave next year
  • Students who have been granted Off-Campus permission
  • Students who have already been housed in an earlier part of the process.

General Room Selection Process

You have completed your application, matched with a roommate and built your group, and received a priority number. All that is left is to select your housing! Room selection is a process broken down across multiple days based on time based on class year. Rising seniors will select first, followed by rising juniors, and rising sophomores. At the time of your selection, you will be able to view the available options for you and your group. You will have 5 minutes to select housing on your MyHousing portal before the next group can start. Only options that can be filled based on your group’s size will show as available. You may need to make adjustments to your group size based on what options are available. 

Two key pieces of advice as we enter this year’s housing selection! 

  1. Keep your options open. Do not go into the room selection process with just one place in mind to live next year. Make a priority list of three or four different areas. That way, if you don't receive your first choice, you have other ideas in mind.
  2. Ask questions! We will send lots of emails, host information sessions, and open office hours. Please feel free to reach out to your RA or anyone in the Campus Life Office. 

Knox College

Printed on Tuesday, March 4, 2025