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Meet Kristy!

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Ford Center for the Fine Arts

What is your Favorite thing about Staff Council?

Being involved and hoping to help make changes for the better

What year did you start at Knox?


What is the best place to eat in Galesburg?

Guacamole Grill

Who has the office with the best candy, snacks, coffee, or tea?

Stacia Mattan's office

What are your goals for Staff Council?

To make changes to help both the college and employees.

What TV show, series, movie or book do you recommend or are you watching right now?

Sons of Anarchy

What do you think is the greatest benefit of being on Staff Council?

Being able to make changes for the good of the college and staff

How do you see other staff members interacting with Staff Council?

I wish we could get more participation in events or staff wanting to be a part of Staff Council

Where can we find you on campus?

Majority of the time in the Administrative Services Center (Campus Safety) or mailroom

Knox College

Printed on Wednesday, March 12, 2025