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Knox Summer Scholars Program


Lisa Harris

Director of the Gerald and Carol Vovis Center for Research and Advanced Study and Health Professions Advising

2 East South Street

Galesburg, IL 61401-4999


Fax: 309-341-7166


Submit Your Deposit
The Court House Tower.

The Knox Summer Scholars Program (formerly, Artists, Scholars, Scientists, and Entrepreneurs of Tomorrow or ASSET) recruits a student cohort of roughly 12-20 students with a wide range of academic and career aspirations. Students pursue intensive individual projects and together they identify connections across disciplinary boundaries, emphasizing a deepening understanding of how to create constructive dialogue across those boundaries. While many students in the program will intend to pursue graduate education at some point, others may intend to pursue a professional degree or immediately embark upon a career after graduation. 

Apply to be a Knox Summer Scholar!

Sophomores or juniors with a 3.3 GPA or higher are invited to apply early in the winter term. Students interested in learning more about graduate school are especially encouraged to apply.

The Knox Summer Scholars Program includes two distinct experiences:

1. Summer Research or Creative Project — Scholars are expected to work at least 300 total hours over 8 weeks. Scholars receive funds for project-related expenses and a generous stipend. In-person student participation is required throughout the summer.

2. Scholars Seminar—The one-week intensive seminar encourages students to reflect on career aspirations, learn about graduate study, and understand the research process. In 2025, there will be two meetings in the spring term and the seminar will be held June 16-20. In-person attendance is a mandatory component of the Summer Scholars experience.

The deadline to apply to the Knox Summer Scholars program is January 24, 2025 midnight.

Apply to be a Knox Summer Scholar

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Knox College

Printed on Monday, March 10, 2025