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FAQ On Graduation Requirements

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This document has been put together to help faculty and students with commonly asked questions about graduation requirements. For other questions or further details, consult the college catalog, your advisor and/or the College Registrar.


Can one course count for two or even more requirements?

Yes, a course can count for a requirement in the Elements and also satisfy a requirement for a major or minor. However, it may not simultaneously satisfy two of the Elements requirements.

Where can I find out which courses count for what requirements?

The Knox College Catalog, section on "The Academic Program." For additions to these lists approved during the year, ask the Registrar or the Dean of the College.

What can I do if I've taken a course that I think really should count for a particular requirement, but it's not on the approved list?

Talk to the instructor of the course. If s/he agrees that the course should count, you can submit a petition to the Curriculum Committee (via the Dean of the College), asking that the course be counted.

I received a transfer credit for a course (or from an AP, IB, or A-level exam) and it isn't showing up as satisfying a college requirement. What should I do?

For courses to be counted in a major or minor, pick up the relevant form in the Registrar's Office and then go talk to the Chair of that department or program. For all other graduation requirements, go talk to the College Registrar. He will assess which requirements may be fulfilled by which courses or exams. Credit by examination (Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate, A-level Exams) may not be used to fulfill the Elements requirements, even when credit is awarded.


Are there any restrictions on choosing one's second field of specialization? (I'm thinking of Biology and Biochemistry, for example.)

Yes, there are some restrictions. See the section on "Multiple Majors and Minors" in the College Catalog (in the Chapter on "Academic Rules and Regulations"). The general principle is that each of the programs "must be essentially independent of the other(s) and the total educational plan of the student must present a sound liberal education. Normally no more than two credits may overlap between two programs in an approved combination".


Do I have to be here on campus my last year?

You need to be here two out of the last three terms, and one of those two must be your final term. Exceptions may be granted through appeal to the Associate Dean of the College.

How are transfer credits figured between semesters and terms?

One semester hour equals .3 Knox credits, so a 3 semester hour course will transfer in as .9 Knox credits. Conversely, one Knox credit will transfer out as 3.3 semester hours.

Because of some transfer credit, I'll have 35.9 credits at the end of my fourth year. Can I graduate with less than 36 credits?

Yes, you need a minimum of 35.8 credits to graduate.

I'd like to count a course I'm transferring in towards the major, but it's only .9 credits instead of 1. Will this fulfill the requirement?

Yes, as would .8 credits (but not 0.7 credits).

Knox College

Printed on Wednesday, March 26, 2025