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Spring 2015 Final Exam Schedule

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Ford Center for the Fine Arts


To find your examination times, first look for your courses and sections in the column titled "Courses Having Special Schedules." For those courses not listed there, refer to the column titled "Period Course is Regularly Scheduled."

Times of examination periods:
MORNING examinations 8:30 - 11:30
AFTERNOON examinations 1:30 - 4:30
EVENING examinations 7:00 - 10:00

Day and Period of Examination Period Course is Regularly Scheduled Courses Having Special Schedules
Sunday, May 31
MORNING Period 2; Periods 2,3 M,W MATH 205(Stellyes); MATH 322(Cat Lab)
AFTERNOON Period 5; Periods 5,6 M,W MATH 131(Stellyes)
EVENING Period 5S; Periods 5,6 Tu,Th
Monday, June 1
MORNING Period 3 MATH 152(Stellyes)
AFTERNOON Period 4; Periods 4,5 M,W
EVENING Period 1; Period 3S; Period 3 Tu,Th; Evening M,W
Tuesday, June 2
MORNING Evening Tu,Th ANSO 102-1, 102-2(GDH 303)
AFTERNOON Period 6 MATH 175(Stellyes)
EVENING Period 2S; Periods 2,3 Tu,Th ENVS 288(Cat Lab)
Knox College

Printed on Saturday, March 29, 2025