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CTL 100 Language Skills I (1/2)
Exploration of academic literacy skills, including reading, writing, listening, learning, and speaking through numerous projects and individual learning assignments. Emphasis is on the effective expression and comprehension of ideas in academic contexts. Prerequisite(s): first-year standing; J. Haslem
CTL 101 Language Skills II (1/2)
An exploration of academic literacy skills, including reading, writing, listening, learning, and speaking through numerous projects and individual learning assignments. Emphases on the effective expression and comprehension of ideas in academic contexts. May be repeated once for credit provided that credit has not been earned in CTL 100; J. Haslem
CTL 120 Mathematical Concepts for Algebra and Statistics (1/2)
A thorough review of algebra and analytic geometry, individually tailored to each student's particular needs. This course is intended to prepare students for STAT 200. Prerequisite(s): course placement as identified by the Registrar; Staff
CTL 121 Tutoring in the Community (1/2)
The Community Tutoring Initiative is an immersive learning experience for Knox students who are interested in tutoring, mentoring, and improving learning outcomes for local students. Knox students will travel to various sites in the Galesburg area to work with low income, often first-generation students taking core classes (Math, Science, English, social studies). Tutors will receive training in learning skills instruction, assessment, tutoring, metacognitive learning strategies for students, and supportive communication. They will work at least 35 hours tutoring at community partner sites and will meet weekly with the CTL Student Success Coordinator to discuss and reflect upon their community experience. Students will earn the immersive learning experience requirement by completing the course requirements two times. Prerequisite(s): Not open to first-time, first-year students. Students must maintain an overall GPA of 3.3 and earn at least an A in the subjects that they tutor.; K. Wallenfelsz
CTL 140 Pedagogy in Practice (.0)
The course will help tutors improve their understanding of writing pedagogy with a particular emphasis on putting theory into practice when helping their fellow students as CTL writing tutors. Through readings, writing assignments, and class discussion, tutors will reflect upon their own experiences and develop appropriate methods for addressing a variety of tutoring scenarios. Prerequisite(s): ENG/CTL 202; Students who take this course must be employed as CTL writing tutors; S/U; J. Haslem
CTL 151 Introduction to Peer Tutoring (.0)
An introductory study of the tutoring process reserved for CTL tutors and departmental teaching assistants who provide tutoring. Examines the essential components of a successful one-on-one tutoring session, including developmental and learning theory, the tutoring cycle, and challenging tutoring situations. Also explores learning skills instruction and strategies, the development of critical thinking skills, and tutor self-evaluation. Prerequisite(s): Sophomore standing or permission of the instructor.; S/U; K. Wallenfelsz
CTL 152 Advanced Peer Tutoring (.0)
Continued study of the tutoring process and protocols, including group tutorials, cultural dynamics, learning theory, tutoring session analysis, resource development, and collaboration with sponsoring academic departments. Space reserved for subject-specific tutors and departmental teaching assistants who engage in tutoring. Prerequisite(s): CTL 151. Must have earned CRLA Level I Certification; S/U; K. Wallenfelsz
CTL 153 Master Peer Tutoring (.0)
Advanced study of the processes and protocols associated with peer tutoring, including self-regulated learning, collaborative and inclusive learning, structured learning experiences, tutor supervision skill development, special populations, and group management skills. The course combines readings, discussions, study of academic support programming, and collaborative projects. This course culminates with the planning and execution of collaborative projects designed to enhance CTL support initiatives. Prerequisite(s): Sophomore standing, CTL 151 & 152. Must have earned CRLA Level I & II Certification (50 hours of cumulative tutoring for the CTL).; S/U; K. Wallenfelsz
CTL 155 Success Learning (.0)
A course in contemporary learning theories (cognitive, transformational, behavioral, and psychological) and the life and learning practices which extend from them. Special attention given to cognitivism, constructivism, conditioning, metacognition, and learning skills instruction. Prerequisite(s): Sophomore standing, CTL 140, CTL 151, or CTL 152; J. Haslem
CTL 161 College Success Seminar (1/2)
Life and learning skills instruction for all but especially students interested in enhancing their academic achievement. Topics include learning strategies, study skills, academic goal setting, and campus resource utilization. Students will have guided opportunities to explore and reflect upon their current learning practices, study holistic learning practices, and enact new ways of learning to promote academic and personal success. S/U; K. Wallenfelsz
CTL 201 Modern Business Messaging
Intended for students wishing to study and write modern business communications, including transactional and converged messages. Special emphases include study and utilization of various semiotic sign systems, converged and digital rhetoric, including persuasive technology. Cross Listing: BUS 201;ENG 201; J. Haslem
CTL 202 Teaching Writing
The course is designed to provide students with a thorough understanding of the theory, practice, and pedagogy of writing. What defines good writing? How do we learn to write? What are the most effective ways to work with writers one-on-one and in the classroom? As we answer these questions, students learn not only how to effectively teach writing, but also how to improve their own writing. Cross Listing: ENG 202; J. Haslem
CTL 275 Novel Compositions
An examination of specific strategies which can be utilized to revive and reimagine the act of writing in a variety of writings. Drawing upon a structuralist approach to understanding writing, we will explore authorial choice and the acts of envisioning, speculating, and crafting compositions to challenge "old" ways of writing and to create novel–or new–compositions. Cross Listing: ENG 275; J. Haslem