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Career Success, Bastian Family Center for
College Engagement, Office of Advancement
Community Service, Mark & Jeannette Kleine Center for
Disability Support Services, Office of
Global Studies, Eleanor Stellyes Center for
Government & Community Relations, Office of
Information Technology Services
Institutional Research, Office of
International Student Services, Office of
Knox Advisory Committee on Socially Responsible Investing
Research & Advanced Study, Gerald & Carol Vovis Center for
Student Development, Division of
Student Financial Services, Office of
Table of Contents
Statement of Mission - The faculty's guiding statement of the goals of a Knox education
A Knox Education - The key features that account for the quality of the Knox educational experience
Campus Life - A description of the campus community
The Academic Program - The Honor System and Knox's graduation requirements
Departments and Courses of Study - Academic majors and minors
Special Programs and Opportunities - Study abroad, internships, student research and other special programs
Academic Rules and Regulations - Essential procedures and definitions; grading; academic difficulty
Admission - Requirements and deadlines
Tuition and Fees - Comprehensive fee, costs for special programs, refund policy
Financial Aid - Eligibility, policy and procedures
Scholarships - Financial awards for special talents and merit
Awards and Prizes - Awards for special student accomplishments
Directory - Knox's trustees, faculty and staff
View a PDF of the 2024-25 Catalog
Accredited by The Higher Learning Commission and a member of the North Central Association. www.ncahigherlearningcommission.org. Phone: 312-263-0456 .