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Knox Advisory Committee on Socially Responsible Investing

A view of campus from above.

Knox College's endowment exists in order to provide financial support to the College. The Board of Trustees oversees the management of the College's endowment. In 2016, the Board voted that its management of the endowment needs to both attempt to maximize financial returns on the endowment and consider the importance of social responsibility and ethical practices.

The Board therefore established the Knox Advisory Committee on Socially Responsible Investing (KACSRI) to advise the President of the College regarding socially responsible investment of the College's endowment. KACSRI is composed of students, alumni, staff, faculty, and Board members who are appointed by the President. The Committee is charged by the Board with:

  1. Monitoring trends and activities in investment responsibility that have an impact on educational and other institutional investors;
  2. Receiving issues referred to it by members of the Knox community;
  3. Conducting research on companies and issues and providing analyses when requested by the President; and
  4. Making recommendations to the President regarding those Corporations which seriously violate Knox's social and ethical standards, and for which actions on shareholder resolutions, proxy issues, and/or divestiture should be considered.

KACSRI makes recommendations to the President, who then passes those recommendations to the Board.

Committee Members

Elise Connoley ’26
Tony Etz ’83, Chair of the Board (Ex Officio)
Ole Forsberg, Associate Professor of Mathematics; Chair of Statistics; Chair of Data Sciences
Bruno Freitas ’26
Sandra Gray, Assistant Vice President of Advancement Operations 
Alec Guroff, Vice President for Finance and Chief Financial Officer
Todd Heidt, Professor in Modern Languages - German; Chair of Modern Languages; Chair of International Studies
Helen Lin ’94, Trustee, Committee Chair
Kathy Mahaffey ’78, Vice Chair, Alumni Council 
C. Andrew McGadney, President (Ex Officio)
Joe Moore ’80, Secretary, Alumni Council 
Sakshi Ohri ’26

Share your input

KACSRI is interested in hearing from present and past members of the Knox College community regarding their views on socially-responsible investment of the college's endowment. The form for a comment, concern, or suggestion is available here. Your comment will be sent to the Chair of KACSRI, who will then share it with other committee members.

Knox College

Printed on Tuesday, March 25, 2025