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Tuition Benefit Program

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A. Eligibility by Program

For new benefits eligible employees hired after July 1, 2013, there is a two-year waiting period to be eligible for tuition benefits.

Tuition Remission at Knox: Dependent Children (d), Dependent Children of Eligible Retirees (e), Spouse/Domestic Partner (f)

Tuition Remission at Knox, Off Campus:  Dependent Children (d), Dependent Children of Eligible Retirees (e)

Tuition Exchange Program:  Dependent Children (d), Dependent Children of Eligible Retirees (e)

ACM/TREP(Tuition Remission Exchange Program):  Dependent Children (d), Dependent Children of Eligible Retirees (e)

Tuition Reimbursement at Other Colleges:  FT Faculty and Staff (a), PT Staff (b), Eligible Retirees (c), Dependent Children(d), Dependent Children of Eligible Retirees (e)

Courses Taken at Knox:  FT Faculty and Staff (a), PT Staff (b), Eligible Retirees (c), Dependent Children (d), Dependent Children of Eligible Retirees (e), Spouse/Domestic Partner (f)

  • (a) Full-Time Faculty and Staff: full-time, benefits eligible
  • (b) Part-Time Staff: regularly work a minimum of 1040 hours/year, benefits eligible
  • (c) Eligible Retirees: who have completed 10 years of benefits-eligible service and attained age 55 prior to retirement
  • (d) Dependent Children: (of benefits-eligible employees) as defined by the federal government for income tax purposes and claimed on the employee's federal tax return. For purposes of tuition reduction, a dependent of divorced parents is treated as the dependent of both parents.
  • (e) Dependent Children of Eligible Retirees: as defined by the federal government for income tax purposes and claimed on the retiree's federal tax return. For purposes of tuition reduction, a dependent of divorced parents is treated as the dependent of both parents.
  • (f) Spouse: marred to eligible faculty or staff
  • (f) Domestic Partner: as verified by Knox College Statement of Domestic Partnership

B. Programs

Tuition Remission at Knox: On-Campus

Dependent children and spouses/domestic partners of eligible employees and retirees receive full tuition remission at Knox. To receive this benefit, dependents must qualify for admission in a degree seeking program. The tuition benefit does not cover fees, room charges, board charges, or mini-term tuition. If the student is a full-time Knox degree seeking student, the student is required to apply, by the due dates, for the State of Illinois Monetary Award Program (MAP) grant, the federal Pell grant, and any tuition grants from other external sources for which the student is eligible. Any state and/or federal grant funds for which the student qualifies must be used to cover tuition charges, and the tuition benefit will be adjusted appropriately by the Office of Student Financial Services. If a student is awarded a private scholarship(s) that stipulates it may be used to cover other educational expenses besides tuition, the scholarship will not offset the tuition benefit, unless the total of all awards exceeds the annual cost of attendance determined by Office of Student Financial Services.

A benefit recipient who demonstrates financial need in excess of tuition will be offered a financial aid package composed of grants (excluding Knox Gift Aid), work and /or educational loans comparable to current financial aid policies.

Tuition Remission at Knox: Off-Campus

Full tuition remission is available for dependent children who are Knox degree seeking students and enrolled in one of the Knox off-campus programs in Barcelona, Buenos Aires and Besancon. To receive this benefit, dependents must qualify for admission in a degree seeking program. The tuition benefit does not cover activity fees, room charges, board charges, or mini-term tuition. If the student is a full-time Knox degree seeking student, the student is required to apply, by the due dates, for the State of Illinois Monetary Award Program (MAP) grant, the federal Pell grant, and any tuition grants from other external sources for which the student is eligible. Any state and/or federal grant funds for which the student qualifies must be used to cover tuition charges, and the tuition benefit will be adjusted appropriately by the Office of Student Financial Services. If a student is awarded a private scholarship(s) that stipulates it may be used to cover other educational expenses besides tuition, the scholarship will not offset the tuition benefit, unless the total of all awards exceeds the annual cost of attendance determined by Office of Student Financial Services.

Partial remission of tuition is available for up to one year of approved off-campus study in a non-Knox program (listed in the College Catalog) for dependent children (not partners/spouses) who are Knox degree seeking students. This benefit is limited to 50% of Knox tuition for a one year program; for programs of less than one year the benefit will be prorated. The benefit is in addition to any external (state, federal, or other) tuition grants/scholarships for which the student may be eligible, provided the total of the grants/scholarships does not exceed 100% of Knox's on-campus tuition.

Tuition Remission Exchange Program (TREP): ACM Colleges

Many of the colleges in the Associated Colleges of the Midwest (ACM) participate in a tuition remission exchange program under which dependent children may attend one of the participating colleges, if they qualify for admission. The participating ACM college the student attends will provide 50% tuition remission. The ACM TREP benefit (Knox payment plus the 50% tuition remission) will cover tuition charges up to the level of Knox tuition, or 90% of the attending institution's tuition, whichever is larger.

Because policies may vary among colleges, a Knox participant should investigate other college policies, e.g. number of terms of eligibility, financial aid application requirements, and housing requirements before making a college choice. At least nine months prior to a student's first year enrollment, a participant should obtain a copy of the TREP guidelines and a list of participating colleges from Knox College Office of Human Resources.

ACM TREP Participating Colleges:

Tuition Exchange Program (TE)

The TE offers scholarship opportunities at over 600 colleges nationwide. Unlike the benefit under the ACM Tuition Remission Exchange Program (TREP), TE scholarships are NOT guaranteed. Rather TE programs provide opportunities to be granted a scholarship. TE scholarship opportunities are available to dependent children. A full description of the TE program and a list of participating colleges and universities may be found at

Employees must submit requests to the Knox College Human Resources office by September 15 of the year prior to applying for a TE Scholarship. Typically, eligibility will be determined by October 15.

TE requires the College to maintain a balance between the number of Knox dependents participating in TE and the number of non-Knox students enrolled at Knox under TE. Therefore, the College may be able to certify only a limited number of students in any given year. In instances where eligibility certifications are limited, they will be allocated based primarily on employee seniority in a continuous, benefits eligible position.

Typically, only one certification per employee will be awarded per year. If, however, an employee requests certification for more than one dependent in any given year, additional certifications may be considered once requests from all other employees for that year have been reviewed.

Tuition Reimbursement at Other Colleges

A reimbursement of up to $500 per year is provided toward tuition costs per dependent child attending accredited educational institutions other than Knox and not part of the ACM TREP or the TE.

Eligible employees may receive up to a $500 reimbursement per year toward the tuition cost at accredited educational institutions other than Knox, if the course work counts toward a baccalaureate degree or post-secondary certificate program. Release-time from the employee's regular schedule is not included in this benefit.

Courses at Knox

The waiting period does not apply to Knox employees taking one course per term.

Eligible employees may take one course per term with full tuition remission. Enrollment is contingent on space available in the class. Regular full-time degree seeking students have priority for classes. Arrangements should be made with the employee's supervisor before enrolling, with consideration given to work schedules and staffing of the department. Release time with pay is given to attend the class. All other work related to the class, such as library research, computer, lab, and any other assignments are to be done outside of work hours. Employees are not expected to make up the class time, but they are expected to get their job done and keep their work caught up without burdening other employees.

Dependent children enrolled in high school who are eligible to take a course at Knox may receive tuition remission for one course per term.

C. Administration of the Tuition Benefit Program

The program is administered by the Office of Human Resources. Employees wishing to participate should contact the Office of Human Resources for assistance and information. A Faculty/Staff Tuition Benefit form is required for anyone using any benefits in the program.

The College reserves the right to change or terminate any of these benefits at any time.

Knox College

Printed on Tuesday, March 11, 2025