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Beyond Knox: International Internships, Volunteer Opportunities & Summer Jobs

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Ford Center for the Fine Arts

A rich array of opportunities are available to you! The lists below are simply a starting point. In addition to the organization web pages listed, you may wish to begin your search by browsing the aggregator web pages and—both offer searchable databases of international options: you may choose the mode of engagement (study, volunteerism, internships, teaching English, and more) or the region or country in which you are interested. The IIE Passport searchable database offers another valuable search site.  We welcome additional suggestions for our lists, and please note that we do not single out any programs for special endorsement. None are directly affiliated with Knox College and you do not need to go through the Knox internal application process (which is for approval for study abroad during the academic year).  

It is always good to talk with your advisor if you find an internship or service opportunity that helps you carry forward a research project or that may lay the foundation for an Honors project. Some of the opportunities below are primarily intended for recent college graduates, and some (many) are also available to undergraduate students who can devote a summer to an internship or volunteer/service experience.

Ethical engagement in service learning matters. Please consider intentions, motives, impact and ongoing commitments as you explore possibilities for service. Here are some useful resources: Global Service Learning; the Amizade Fair Trade Learning page (Amizade pioneered the concept of Fair Trade Learning); this  Fair-Trade Learning webpage and video; the Foundation for Sustainable Development, and Better Volunteering; Better Care Network. And this page offers a set of useful checks on the integrity of a international volunteer program:   7 Red Flags When Considering an International Volunteer Program.

Service and Volunteer Opportunities | Internships and Summer Jobs | Teaching Abroad and Summer Camps | International Relations, Peace and Justice, Human Rights | Health and Medicine | Environmental Action, Research and Policy | Volunteering with Charitable Organizations outside of academia (faith-based and more)

Organizations focused upon service, engagement and volunteer participation:

Organizations focused upon Internships and Summer Jobs (and Jobs after Graduation!)

Opportunities to Teach Abroad and Summer Camp / ESL Counseling

Internships and Jobs in International Relations, Peace and Justice, and Human Rights 

Short Summer Trips to Promote Global Understanding

Internship and Volunteer Opportunities in the area of Health and Medicine

Note that the University of Minnesota's Global Ambassador for Patient Safety (GAPS) page offers a free online workshop to educate all students before they go abroad on health-care related programs: the are the leaders in pre-health ethical  behavior in international contexts.

You will also find a valuable guide to health-related volunteering on Georgetown's Contemplation in Action: Lessons from Medical Mission Work.

Internships and Volunteer Opportunities in the area of Environmental Action, Research and Policy

Internships and Volunteer Opportunities Associated with Charitable Nonprofit Organizations and Agencies

Knox College

Printed on Friday, February 21, 2025