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Office of Student Financial Services
2 East South Street
Galesburg, IL 61401
When students withdraw from all classes during a term, it is the College's responsibility to determine their withdrawal date for the purposes of the return of Title IV (federal) financial aid and the refund/cancellation of charges and non-federal financial assistance.
For students to be considered officially withdrawn, they must notify the Associate Dean of the College, in writing or orally of their intent to withdraw from Knox College. The withdrawal date is the day the student notifies the Associate Dean of their intent to withdraw or begins the withdrawal process by completing a withdrawal form. The Associate Dean’s office is in Old Main, room 105, office hours are 8-12 and 1-4:30, Monday through Friday.
If students cease attendance without providing official notification to the College, the withdrawal date will be the mid-point of the term, except that the College may use as the withdrawal date the student's last date of attendance at an academically-related activity, as documented by the College.
If the College determines that a student did not provide official notification because of illness, accident, grievous personal loss, or other such circumstances beyond the student's control, one of the above-named Deans may determine a withdrawal date related to that circumstance.
On-Campus Enrollment
Students who officially withdraw between the beginning of a term and the end of 60% of a term are entitled to a pro-rata cancellation of that term's charges for tuition, activity fee, room and board. For example, if the student has completed 30% of the term, 70% of his/her charges will be cancelled. After 60% of the term has been completed, no charges are cancelled. If students remain on campus beyond their official withdrawal date, they are charged for room and board costs through the date of departure, as determined by the Division of Student Development.
Off-Campus Enrollment
Only students who withdraw from a program officially and by the end of 60% of the term are eligible for a refund. Insofar as possible, refunds for off-campus programs follow the pro-rata cancellation policy stated above. Exceptions: No part of a program fee expended on a student's behalf is refunded in the event of the student's withdrawal from a program before its completion. In some cases, students are obligated for expenses incurred before the program begins. (Note: this policy applies to Knox, ACM and other approved off-campus programs.)