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Career Success, Bastian Family Center for
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Global Studies, Eleanor Stellyes Center for
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Information Technology Services
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Knox Advisory Committee on Socially Responsible Investing
Research & Advanced Study, Gerald & Carol Vovis Center for
Student Development, Division of
Student Financial Services, Office of
Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs
2 East South Street
Galesburg, IL 61401
Designing a Course at Knox
Here are some resources:
Here are some forms:
As always, make sure you plan new courses in conjunction with your department. They are the ones with the vision.
Designing a new course or revising an old course are regular parts of the work of Knox's faculty. This page brings together some information on best course design practices.
How do we know if students have learned what we wanted them to learn? Answering this question starts by clarifying for ourselves what we want students to learn in any particular class. The Office of Faculty Affairs has designed a series of worksheets to help you think through what you want to accomplish in your class. You can find the worksheets here.
All faculty should include the following on their course syllabi:
For more information and examples of language that you can use in your syllabi, please see this page.
AAC&U undertook a long study that showed certain pieces of information help student do their work better. Are you assignments emplying the TILT Framework?