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Career Success, Bastian Family Center for
College Engagement, Office of Advancement
Community Service, Mark & Jeannette Kleine Center for
Disability Support Services, Office of
Global Studies, Eleanor Stellyes Center for
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Information Technology Services
Institutional Research, Office of
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Knox Advisory Committee on Socially Responsible Investing
Research & Advanced Study, Gerald & Carol Vovis Center for
Student Development, Division of
Student Financial Services, Office of
Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs
2 East South Street
Galesburg, IL 61401
Faculty Service to Knox
In addition to teaching and engagement in our professional fields, service - on campus and elsewhere - is an important part of what faculty do to keep our community healthy and thriving.
On campus, service takes many forms and is vital to the proper functioning of the college. Below, you'll find links to resources to help you understand how we think about service at Knox.
The faculty have a significant role in running the college. Faculty service on elected committees, appointed committees, ad hoc committees, and task forces are essential to the functioning of the college. You can find more information about faculty governance in this folder.
Tenure-track and tenured members of the faculty act as formal academic advisors for students throughout their time at the college. You can find resources to support the work of advisors here.
All faculty engage in regular and ongoing assessment within their programs. Assessment resources can be found here. Ongoing assessment activities support program review.
Once every eight to ten years, all programs undergo a more significant period of self study and external consultation. You can find more resources to support Program Review here.
In addition to helping students, faculty are expected to help one another throughout their time at the college. Mentorship takes many forms, including working to orient new colleagues to the institution, supporting department colleagues through tenure, or helping someone recently appointed as a new program chair succeed in that role.
Program chairs play a vital administrative role, acting as leaders within their departments, promoting their department to colleagues and students, and maintaining clear lines of communication between their department and other units within Academic Affairs. This robust Chairs' Guide provides the collective wisdom of Knox's chairs past. You can find more resources here.
At some point during your time at the college, you are likely to serve on a hiring committee, either as a member of the committee or as the chair of the committee. This guide provides important information about the search process, from conceiving the position request to welcoming a new colleague to campus. Please consult it early and often!