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Office of Disability Support Services


Stephanie Grimes

Office of Disability Support Services



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Knox College promotes the full inclusion of students with disabilities, and that inclusion adds depth and value to the educational experience for all students. For students with documented disabilities, the College's goal is to provide an environment encouraging full participation in and equal access to its programs and services through the provision of reasonable accommodations.

Reasonable accommodations are provided in Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended by the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), and the ADA Amendments Act of 2008. Examples of reasonable accommodations include testing accommodations, notetaking assistance, utilization of assistive technologies, flexibility with course assignment deadlines, course registration, communication access, and housing accommodations.

Requests for Accommodations

Students requesting accommodations will engage with DSS professionals in an interactive process to discuss the student’s request and specific need for accommodations. During this process, we will look at the provided documentation and review the student’s disability,, and the impact of the disability on the student’s life activity areas.  The DSS will determine how the student’s access to the educational experience at Knox is impeded, and coordinate an appropriate modification or adjustment to ensure access.   

Students are required to submit supporting documentation from a licensed medical professional regarding their disability and/or medical condition that provides the following information:

  • Includes a clear statement of the condition(s), including diagnosis and expected duration of the condition.  
  • Demonstrate current functional limitations that are imposed by the impairment, and describe how it substantially limits a major life activity, such as learning.
  • Rate the severity, the impact, and the condition of the student’s performance of major life activities compared to people in the general population.
  • Describe the positive and adverse effects of any prescribed medications.
  • Include relevant information about recommendations for accommodations to all courses, programs, services, and activities of the college community (classroom, residence hall, dining services, etc.)
  • Provide a rational reason why these accommodations are warranted based upon the student’s functional limitations (e.g. if additional time for testing is suggested, state the reasons for this request related to the student’s functional limitations).
  • Documentation such as a psychological evaluation/assessment, should be provided if applicable.

More information regarding documentation guidelines can be found at this link: 

DSS Documentation Guidelines

To initiate a request for academic or residential accommodations, please visit our forms page. 

 Visit our Forms page for more information.

Whom Should I Contact?

Anyone seeking additional information about disability services at Knox College should contact the Office of Disability Services via phone (309) 341-7478 or email 

Meet our entire disability support services staff!


Do you have a question you forgot to ask? Visit our Frequently Asked Questions page

Knox College

Printed on Tuesday, March 25, 2025