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Office of Campus Safety
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In compliance with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (or Clery Act), the Department of Campus Safety maintains and makes available a daily crime log. This log documents all criminal incidents and alleged criminal incidents reported to the department on campus, at non-campus buildings or property, on public property adjacent to or immediately accessible from campus, and any other property which is regularly provided with Campus Safety patrol services.
In addition to the required elements of the daily crime log (the date the incident was reported, the date and time the incident occurred, the nature and general location of the crime, and the disposition of the complaint, if known), Campus Safety may make additional information available which might serve to better inform the Knox community. No personally identifying information will be disclosed in the crime log.
The Department of Campus Safety may temporarily withhold information from the daily crime log if there is clear and convincing evidence that releasing the information would jeopardize an ongoing investigation or the safety of an individual, cause a suspect to flee or evade detection, or result in the destruction of evidence. Once the adverse condition is no longer present, the information will be disclosed.
In addition to the daily crime log, the Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008 requires that Knox maintain a record of any fire reported to a campus official which occurs in an on-campus student housing facility. This log includes the date the fire was reported, the date and time of the fire, and its nature and general location. As with the crime log, Campus Safety may make additional information available in an effort to keep the community informed.
At Knox, the fire log is combined with the daily crime log into a single document covering both reported crimes and fires. Additional elements may also be included in the log for community informational purposes.
The Daily Crime and Fire Log will be presented as a downloadable PDF in a table format. Reading the document should be reasonably straightforward and consists of the following columns:
The PDF link below will take you to the Daily Crime and Fire log. Feel free to contact the Director of Campus Safety to request access to older portions of the log. Please note that older portions of the Crime and Fire Log may be in a slightly different format.