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2 East South Street
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All students employed on campus are required to be paid through payroll. Prior to starting work completion of the Student Pay Authorization must be completed by the students supervisor. Upon receipt of the Student Pay Authorization onboarding will be initiated through ADP by the business office payroll team. Once onboarding is complete students are now authorized to work.
Students will enter the required Internal Revenue Service forms during ADP onboarding. Onboarding must be completed within three days of recieving your onboarding email from ADP. It is a condition of employment that students complete ADP onboarding.
Students are paid the current minimum wage rate on a biweekly pay schedule.
To complete the I-9 form you will be required to show original documents. An example of the forms of identification needed are on the following list, and you will need an item from a) and b) or from c).
a) Driver's License or Knox ID
b) Social Security Card or Certified Birth Certificate
c) Passport
You can also view the complete list of acceptable documents.
The College utilizes Enterprise eTIME, a Web time entry system, for submission of time worked. Students are responsible for recording their time worked in the Enterprise eTIME system on a daily basis so supervisors may approve their time worked. For a complete list of pay periods and payroll dates please see the biweekly pay schedule.
Student earnings are subject to Federal and State of Illinois tax withholding. Students are exempt from FICA and Medicare tax withholding during the school year. Students who work at the College during the summer months are subject to FICA and Medicare. Given the small number of hours students are allowed to work on campus, tax withholding during the school year is minimal if any taxes are withheld. The amount of tax withheld from a student's pay is also affected by the number of exemptions the student claims on his/her W-4 form.
The College requires all employees and students hired after December 1, 2012 to direct deposit their pay as a condition of employment. Students will enter their bank account information during onboarding in ADP. If the student does not have a bank account, many banks close to the College offer free checking and/or savings accounts for students. Students may choose to have their pay deposited into an account in their hometown or locally. Direct deposit of pay is done prior to the opening of the business day on the payroll date. Your earnings will be accessible to you at this time. A Statement of Earnings will be available through ADP. This statement notes hours worked, gross pay, deductions, and net pay deposited for each pay period.
Electronic delivery of W-2 forms in ADP is the preferred method. Other options for W-2 forms are mailing to the student's home/permanent address on file in the month of January of the following year. If students wish, they may choose to have their W-2 form sent to their campus box rather than mailed to their home. To request this they must complete a request in the Business Office.
If you have payroll questions, please contact Stacy Bearce Payroll Supervisor, at 309-341-7314.