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Meet the Spanish Tutors

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Ford Center for the Fine Arts

CTL Spanish Tutors

Anissa Mendez

Anissa Mendez

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What is your hometown?
Rowland Heights, California

What is your favorite thing about being a tutor?
The best part about being a tutor is being able to get to know people on campus that you probably never would have met otherwise!

What is your favorite color?
Black or purple.

Where is your favorite place to study?
2nd floor Seymour Library.

Where is your favorite place on campus?
Fish Bowl.

What are your hobbies?
Reading, writing, watching anime, and playing video games.

Where is your favorite place to eat in Galesburg?
The Landmark.

Do you have any pets?
I have a Siberian Husky named Skye! He's 6 years old and stands at 5'0" on his hind legs. He's just like us college students— simultaneously the smartest and stupidest being alive.

What do you do to relax?
I partake in any of my hobbies to relax, but I also enjoy hanging out with my friends when I need to destress :)

Share something that makes you unique.
I can list the entire Unova Regional Dex (Pokémon) in 15 minutes or less.

Jazzie Lerner

Jazzie Lerner

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What is your hometown?
Highland Park, Illinois

What is your favorite thing about being a tutor?
I like helping others understand how Spanish works and I love learning something new every tutoring session.

What is your favorite color?

Where is your favorite place to study?
Library second floor group tables by the spiral staircase.

Are you involved in any campus organizations?
KCC, Chamber Singers, choir board, and FRN.

What are your hobbies?
I like to crochet and watercolor.

Where is your favorite place to eat in Galesburg?

What do you do to relax?
I crochet and watch a show or listen to a podcast.

Libby Shorkey

Libby Shorkey

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What is your hometown?

What is your favorite thing about being a tutor?
My favorite thing about being a tutor is being able to get a snapshot view of other people's passions—what interests them, what drives them, which topics call them to write and explore languages in different ways.

Do you have any pets?
My cat, Grillo, is the bestest boy and you will get extra credit if you bring him toys or treats (his words, not mine). He is also much more photogenic than me.

What do you do to relax?
Relax? *laughs maniacally*

Paola Ramirez

Paola Ramirez

Schedule a session

What is your hometown?
Guanajuato, México

What is your favorite thing about being a tutor?
My favorite thing about being a tutor is seeing people who are interested in my native language and seeing them actually want to learn how to speak it. All the effort they show 

What is your favorite color?

Where is your favorite place to study?
Anywhere in Seymour library

Where is your favorite place on campus?
Under the SMC whale 

What are your involvements on campus?
Vice president/co-founder of the Knox College debate team, guitarist of M.I.L.F 

What are your hobbies?
Playing my guitar, going out with friends, traveling, playing my video games

Where is your favorite place to eat in Galesburg?
The carriage house. They have REALLY good chocolate croissants 

Do you have any pets?
I have a dog named Max who has so much energy that it’s hard to keep up with him sometimes

What do you do to relax?
I like to go on walks around campus while listening to music

Share something that makes you unique.
I used to play the clarinet back in 6th grade 

What is your favorite Knox memory?
My very first performance at Knox rocks. I was really nervous which was unusual since It wasn’t my first time performing and I NEVER get nervous. In the end, I had fun shredding my guitar 

Knox College

Printed on Sunday, June 30, 2024