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Meet the French Tutors

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Ford Center for the Fine Arts

CTL French Tutors

Addison Anderson

Fanny Pelardy

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What is your hometown? 
Besançon, France

What is your favorite thing about being a tutor?
Helping people to learn French language.

What is your favorite color?

Where is your favorite place to study?
Seymour Library

What campus organizations are you involved in?
Dance club

What are your hobbies?
Dance, Music

What do you do to relax?
Listen to music, watch series

What's your favorite Knox memory?
IELP program

Sage Yoerger

Sage Yoerger

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What is your hometown?
Madison, Wisconsin

What is your favorite thing about being a tutor?
Getting to share my interests while meeting and helping students.

Are you involved in any campus organizations?
Dare to Care, ROE #33 tutoring, Students for Sustainability.

Do you have any pets?
I have a rabbit named Raisin who is not on campus, and a Betta fish named Spiderman who is on campus.

What do you do to relax?
Read and take naps.

Audra Steinbrugge

Audra Steinbrugge

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What is your hometown? 
La Cañada, CA

What is your favorite thing about being a tutor?
I'm excited to help students with their French studies!

Where is your favorite place to study?
Anywhere but my dorm! Seymour Library is great. 

What campus organizations are you involved in?
Costume Shop!!

What are your hobbies?
I love to sew, rollerskate, and write songs.

Knox College

Printed on Sunday, June 30, 2024