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Meet the Environmental Science Tutors

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Ford Center for the Fine Arts

CTL Environmental Science Tutors

Rachel Dietz

Rachel Dietz

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What is your hometown?
Birmingham, Michigan

What is your favorite thing about being a tutor?
The moment when a tutee has been struggling with a concept and they suddenly understand it and their eyes light up.

What is your favorite color?

Where is your favorite place to study?
Top floor of the library.

Where is your favorite place on campus?
The library.

Are you involved in any campus organizations?
I was previously on Common Ground's exec as PR manager before I left to study abroad.

What are your hobbies?
I play guitar, like to hike, swim, draw and read.

Where is your favorite place to eat in Galesburg?

What do you do to relax?
I listen to music or go for a walk with a friend.

Tell us about your favorite Knox memory.
My favorite Knox memory is the barn dance at the end of the Green Oaks term Spring 2022 where alumni of the program and members of the Knox community came together to celebrate.

Share something that makes you unique.
Despite being afraid of heights I worked at a high-ropes course for a couple of years. My job was to scale the trees and wires to rescue people who were stuck high in the air, and I loved it.

Lana Gallagher

Lana Gallagher

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What is your hometown?
Villa Park, IL

What is your favorite thing about being a tutor?
Sharing and discussing topics I am passionate about with other students 

What is your favorite color?

Where is your favorite place to study?
Blue chairs in SMC 

Where is your favorite place on campus?
WVKC Radio Room

Are you involved in any campus organizations?
Alpha Sigma Alpha, Students for Sustainability, WVKC

What are your hobbies?
Thrifting, Journaling, Listening to music 

Where is your favorite place to eat in Galesburg?

Do you have any pets?
My two kitties, Stella and Goose. Stella is 8 years old and a Russian blue mix while Goose is 2 and a Maincoon mix 

What do you do to relax?
Watch TV, cook, listen to music 

Tell us about your favorite Knox memory.
Flunk Day 2023 

What makes you unique?
I can do a damn good cartwheel 

Cadence Eischens

Cadence Eischens

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What is your hometown?
Stacy, Minnesota

What is your favorite thing about being a tutor?
Learning about different perspectives and subjects from my tutees!

What is your favorite color?
Rainbow :)

Where is your favorite place on campus?
Anywhere on the lawn just west of the old Aux Gym.

Are you involved in any campus organizations?
Ultimate Frisbee, Terpsichore, Drawing Club and the Knox Farm.

What are your hobbies?
Swing dancing, reading, cross-country skiing, ceramics, hiking and writing poetry.

Do you have any pets?
Three zebra finches that my great aunt gave me! Named Sunny, Jazz and Thimble, they've traveled back and forth with me to Knox many times throughout the years.

What do you do to relax?
I make a pot of tea, light a beeswax candle, and settle somewhere comfortable to read a good book or write/draw in my journal.

Tell us about your favorite Knox memory.
Painting in the backyard during Green Oaks Term, late one afternoon in May. You could hear music and laughter from dinner crew drifting from the open kitchen windows, and I just remember thinking - I've found my people. This is home.

Emme Patton

Emme Patton

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What is your hometown?
Morton, IL

What is your favorite thing about being a tutor?
I love being able to share and explain my academic passions and interests through tutoring with my peers! It is awesome to see others work through and understand material that's so fun for me to talk about and help figure out!

What is your favorite color?

Where is your favorite place to study?
The cubicles in SMC library 

Where is your favorite place on campus?
I love the Knox Farm!

Are you involved in any campus organizations?
I played volleyball for 3 years, I'm in Food Recovery Network, and I am a Sustainability and Resilience Project Leader!

What are your hobbies?
I still love to play volleyball when I have the chance, and I also love to read, binge TV shows, and hang out with my friends! I love when the weather is nice and we get to go outside and play spikeball, frisbee, or anything else we come up with!

Where is your favorite place to eat in Galesburg?
Baked Pizza

Do you have any pets?
Yes, I have a beagle/basset hound named Elle! I adopted her when she was 6 from a shelter and she is now 14! She loves to eat anything in sight and has an insane sense of smell. She likes to follow me around everywhere and I love to see her when I go home!

What do you do to relax?
I like to relax by watching my favorite comfort shows in my bed with a snack. Also, I love to watch shows with my friends and debrief about the day. I like to go outside and read or walk around to clear my mind, too!

Tell us about your favorite Knox memory.
My favorite memory was when me and my friends from Knox went bowling for the first time together and were laughing at how bad we were doing. It was hilarious and fun to watch each other keep bowling and getting like 1 or 2 pins.

Ethan Cichon

Ethan Cichon

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What is your hometown?
McHenry, Illinois

What is your favorite thing about being a tutor?
Hearing the different ways of thinking people have for the same problem

What is your favorite color?
Pastel greens

Where is your favorite place to study?
My own desk or anywhere with my friends

Where is your favorite place on campus?
SMC Commons or the Old Main Common Room

What are your hobbies?
Playing video games & watching movies

Where is your favorite place to eat in Galesburg?
Iron Spike

Do you have any pets?
I have a Black Lab Mix named Fred and 2 barn cats - Thomas & Lucy

What do you do to relax?
I play on my Xbox, watch YouTube, or go on walks

Tell us about your favorite Knox memory.
Me and my friends running back to our dorm from the Caf during a downpour

What makes you unique?
My family loves gardening! We have multiple garden plots around our property that take up 100s of sq ft. and provide us with fruits & veggies all summer long!

Liam Gallagher

Liam Gallagher

Schedule a session

What is your hometown?

What is your favorite thing about being a tutor?
I enjoy problem solving and the expression people make when it finally clicks for them.

What is your favorite color?

Where is your favorite place to study?
At my own desk in my room, otherwise Seymour Library 3rd floor.

Where is your favorite place on campus?
Knosher Bowl.

Are you involved in any campus organizations?
Defensive back for the football team, President of Beta Theta Pi.

What are your hobbies?
Going to the Gym, Fishing, Golf.

Where is your favorite place to eat in Galesburg?

Do you have any pets?
I have 2 dogs and one cat. A Puggle named Maxx, a pit bull mix names North, and an Calico all white named Nala.

What do you do to relax?
I like to play Xbox, read and listen to podcasts.

Tell us about your favorite Knox memory.
Rainy Flunk First Year

Share something that makes you unique.
I love to read and understand statistics.

Knox College

Printed on Sunday, June 30, 2024