Knox Stories
Five Things Knox Students Are Doing Over Spring Break
Students are hitting the road soon for spring break 2025.
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Members of the Knox College Class of 2018 have big plans post-Commencement, from attending graduate and medical school to pursuing careers in software development and asset management.
Here's a look at what some of Knox's recent graduates have planned.
Raegina Likewise, an international studies major, is attending George Washington University for a master's degree in international affairs.
"Knox provided me with the most well-rounded experience I could have hoped for. I learned to think strategically and openly, and I bettered my ability to see from many perspectives. I also learned more about myself and how I can be the most successful me. I am so grateful to Knox for the opportunities I have been given and the lessons I have learned."
Kosuke Nishitani, an economics major, will return to Japan to work for the asset management company BlackRock in Tokyo.
"Interacting with people from different backgrounds and perspectives constantly challenged me to absorb new ideas and knowledge. I learned that the best textbooks I have are the people that I talk to at Knox. My active dialogues with my classmates and teachers helped me shape who I am today, and I feel more confident than ever as I take on new challenges at BlackRock."
Elise Goitia, a creative writing major, will attend the Denver Publishing Institute.
"Knox has been instrumental in helping me find my place in the world today. My professors have been there for me every step of the way, whether it's sacrificing work hours to help me through a huge project or staying up until 2 a.m. to assist in sorting out my future. My friends have become invaluable support networks, people who have influenced me to be the best me I've ever been."
Muneeb Rehman, a biochemistry major, will begin the M.D. program at George Washington University this fall.
"During my time here I was able to work with and learn from a wide array of people from many different backgrounds, I was able to study abroad in Barcelona and complete a laboratory-based Honors project. Along the way, I was challenged by my professors, who always went above and beyond and were invested in our success."
Harry Carpenter, a computer science major, will be a software developer at LIDP Consulting.
"Knox has exceeded my expectations when it comes to preparing for my career. Taking computer science courses at Knox was a source of inspiration for developing my own applications such as a membership website for Mortar Board and a requirements report generator for APO (Alpha Phi Omega). Knox taught me that going out of my comfort zone is necessary for growth. "
Yuuki Wittmer, a chemistry and neuroscience major, will attend graduate school in chemistry at the University of California-Davis.
"I think the wonderful support system I have here at Knox, from professors to staff to students, have helped me prepare for these next steps. With Knox being such a small school compared to other colleges and universities, I was able to work closely with my professors and had the opportunity to conduct my own research. Therefore, I feel confident about going to grad school from the research experience that I received."
Approximately 300 students were in the graduating Class of 2018, where Vir Das, comedian and a 2002 Knox graduate, delivered the Commencement address on June 3. Learn more about Commencement, including photos and videos.
Published on June 03, 2018
"I am the best version of myself today, and I really think Knox had a big part in it."—Creative writing major Elise Goitia '18, who will attend the Denver Publishing Institute this summer.
"Interacting with people from different backgrounds and perspectives constantly challenged me to absorb new ideas and knowledge.”—Kosuke Nishitani '18, an economics major who will be working at the asset management company BlackRock in Tokyo.