Knox Stories
Five Ways to Celebrate Knox College Founders Day
Here are five ways you can participate and show your Prairie Fire pride.
Ranked among the nation's top colleges for academics, Knox College is also noted in the new edition of The Princeton Review as a national leader in cultural and ethnic diversity of student interactions on campus.
Based on a survey of students themselves, Knox is ranked 18th in the nation in the category "Lots of Race/Class Interaction," in the 2015 edition of Princeton Review's annual guidebook The Best 379 Colleges. The ranking was based on responses from students at Knox and hundreds of other colleges, who were asked "Do different types of students interact frequently and easily at your school?"
The Princeton Review ranking is consistent with Knox's strong scores in the most recent National Survey of Student Engagement. At Knox, 77 percent of seniors said Knox encourages contact among diverse peers -- compared to less than 60 percent of students at other colleges. Knox also is ranked by U.S. News & World Report in the top 25 colleges in the nation for international diversity and in the top 50 for ethnic diversity.
Knox was named both as one of the Best Midwestern Colleges listed on the Princeton Review website, and to the more selective list in the printed guidebook, The Best 379 Colleges. Only about 15% of America's 2,500 four-year colleges are selected for the printed guidebook.
The Princeton Review includes both rankings that focus mainly on campus life and services, and ratings that cover both campus life and academics. Both ratings and rankings are based on students' responses to on-line questionnaires.
In Princeton Review rankings, Knox's radio station and theatre productions both achieved high national stature -- 11th in the "best college radio station" category, and 18th in the "best college theatre" category.
The primary factor in selection for The Best 379 Colleges is "outstanding academics," according to Robert Franek, senior vice president of The Princeton Review.
Princeton Review ratings at a glance:
"Rankings and ratings are a snapshot of the opportunities and advantages that attract students to Knox," said Paul Steenis, dean of admission and vice president for enrollment. "When you visit campus, you'll get a sample of the noted diversity of the student body and what we offer in outstanding faculty and classroom teaching, opportunities for service projects and independent research, study abroad and hands-on learning experiences."
Student comments about Knox cited in The Princeton Review:
Published on August 14, 2014