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Dean's List Fall Term 2009

Students honored for academic achievement

Knox College releases the Dean's List of distinguished students for the Fall Term 2009. To be named to the Dean's List, a student must have earned at least 2.5 credits in the term, with a grade point average of 3.6 or better (on a 4.0 scale).


  • This page is sorted alphabetically by last name within states. For the convenience of members of the news media, a separate page is available with the same information sorted by ZIP Code.
  • Class: Year in school FR=First Year; SO=Sophomore; JR=Junior; SR=Senior, as of the end of fall term
  • Major: Double majors are indicated where declared. Students generally declare majors at the start of the junior year; almost all first-year students and most sophomores are listed as "Undeclared."
  • Students from outside the U.S. are listed at the end of the page.
State Name City Major Class
Alexandra Jane Dewald Phoenix Theatre, Educational Studies JR
Stefanie Rae Gordon Phoenix Psychology JR
Allison Marie Smith Phoenix Spanish SR
Brian Allen Starr Tucson Economics SR
Naomi Elizabeth Akagi San Leandro Biology SO
Bryn Yasuko Kimura Palo Alto Undecided FR
Sheenamai Agtang Leano Palm Springs Economics SO
Michael Cassio Fingold Martinez Los Altos Creative Writing JR
Franzesca Mary Mayer Palo Alto Undecided FR
David Ka Wai Pan San Francisco Undecided FR
Krystle Anne Susmani Novato Spanish SR
Kylie Elizabeth Swall Santa Rosa Undecided FR
Jacquelyn Kate Barrett Centennial Creative Writing SO
Emily Ann Berarducci Idaho Springs Modern Languages - French, Creative Writing SO
Erin Fayette Coleman Denver English Literature SR
Kathryn Louise Groat Colorado Springs Psychology SO
Erik Steven Hane Littleton Undecided FR
Aliya Haykus Pagosa Springs Undecided FR
Benjamin Delon Lee Littleton Creative Writing, Theatre JR
Richard Forrest McClure III Golden Undecided FR
Jordan Nichole Newsom Broomfield Undecided SO
Kelsey Kirkwood Outman Denver Undecided FR
Eleanor Grace Michelle Poley Englewood Computer Science SR
Monica Rachel Prince Lakewood Educational Studies, Creative Writing SO
Eve Lee Sackett Denver Undecided SO
Kathryn Marie Tanquary Highlands Ranch Creative Writing SR
Peter Thomas Denver Psychology SO
Jessica Leigh Unrein Centennial Political Science, Music SO
Paul Kalen VaughanMiller Boulder Mathematics, Physics SR
Stefan Pearson Feer West Hartford Undecided JR
Kathryn Anne Flynn Kensington Theatre SR
Devin Elizabeth Harvie North Stonington History JR
Jonathan Adams Kopetz North Haven Computer Science JR
Margretta Elaine Reed Ridgefield Undecided FR
Sarah Elaine Carlin Naples Educational Studies SR
Sasha Sharie Jawed Melbourne Creative Writing SR
Anthony Tyler Shimkets Arnoldsville Undecided FR
Anita Nicole Ahuja Rock Island Biology JR
Nicole Therese Andersen Princeton Studio Art SR
Claire Elizabeth Anderson Galesburg English Literature, History JR
Karen Christine Armstrong Charleston Undecided FR
Alexandra Evelyn Ayers Elk Grove Village Undecided FR
Zachary Alan Bahr Arlington Heights Educational Studies, Studio Art SR
Hannah Elizabeth Basil Chicago Undecided FR
Nicholas James Behymer Elgin Undecided FR
Christina Joy Belcher Springfield Spanish SR
Christina Nicole Bennett Minonk Anthropology & Sociology SR
Hannah Christy Benning Island Lake Creative Writing SO
Emily Kenna Berkson Evanston Educational Studies SO
Laura Elizabeth Blue Chicago Psychology SO
Katherine Anne Brown Woodridge Creative Writing SR
Joshua Robert Brownell Cary Undecided SO
Carolyn Nicole Bueche Byron International Relations SR
Erica J. Bush Galesburg Educational Studies SR
Corinne Therese Butzen Libertyville Biology SR
Moira Rose Byrne Vernon Hills Undecided SO
Robert Riley Cashen Vernon Hills Biology SR
Laura Gabriela Castanos Gurnee Undecided FR
Kathleen Chalas Huntley Undecided FR
Natalia Christine Cipolla Green Oaks Psychology, Spanish SO
Sienna Rae Cittadino Carbondale Undecided SO
Elizabeth Ann Cockrell Jacksonville Environmental Studies SO
Sarah Rose Colangelo West Brooklyn English Literature SR
Kimberly Sabrina Cozzi Mount Prospect Educational Studies, English Literature JR
John Salvatore Cusimano Tinley Park Undecided SO
Stephanie Rachelle Cutright Joliet Classics-Latin, Educational Studies JR
Edward Joseph Dale Rockford Biochemistry, Chemistry SR
Danielle Jacqueline Daly Geneva Spanish, Educational Studies JR
John Colin Davis Canton Political Science JR
Pier Trenier Charles Debes Rockford Music, Educational Studies SR
Shirley Marie Dehn Chicago Biochemistry JR
Kostanca Dhima Carol Stream Political Science SR
Jack M. Dippold Peoria Educational Studies SR
Bridget Grace Dooley Brookfield Undecided SO
Michael D. Dooley Brookfield Spanish, Educational Studies SR
Daniel Gregory Dyrda West Chicago Political Science, Philosophy SR
Ashley Ann Elliott Justice History JR
Robyn Alexis Falasz Chicago Undecided FR
Zoe Anna Foote Urbana Undecided SO
Alexander Michael Fox Alexis Educational Studies JR
Kathryn Rose Frank Gurnee History JR
Madeleine Claire Freeman Saint Charles English Literature, Educational Studies JR
Maxwell Vincent Galloway-Carson Evanston Computer Science JR
Amelia Maria Garcia Stillman Valley Political Science JR
Joshua Torakuma Garties Chicago Political Science JR
Emily Morgan Gingold Naperville English Literature SO
William Carlisle Goehring DeKalb Undecided JR
Anna Miriam Goldbeck Evanston Undecided FR
Kyle Patrick Gordon Chicago Chemistry SR
Amanda Mary Goslawski Western Springs Undecided FR
Marta Keeley Gulyash Kankakee Undecided FR
Valerie Michelle Gumpertz Quincy Economics SR
Sandy Alison Guttman Chicago Art History SR
Carl Raymond Hammer Cambridge Educational Studies, Mathematics JR
Colleen Elizabeth Harden Champaign Psychology SR
Margaret Miller Hart Oak Park Chemistry SO
Keri Ellen Hartman Naperville Undecided FR
Kathryn Sanders Gerhardt Haynes Chicago Theatre SO
April Michelle Herbst Morton French SO
Andrea Elizabeth Houlihan North Aurora Self-Designed Major JR
Amanda Leigh Hubeny Elmhurst Educational Studies, Studio Art JR
Sara Michelle Huff Elmhurst Creative Writing JR
Piper Alexandra Renard Jones Jacksonville Undecided SO
Laura Caroline Jorgenson Dahinda History JR
Michael John Kaminski, Jr. Round Lake Park Mathematics SO
Leslie Yuree Kang Northbrook Educational Studies JR
Jared Mansfield Katchen Galesburg Biology SR
Carly Rose Kauffman Chicago Educational Studies SR
Elizabeth Anne Ketchum Springfield Creative Writing JR
Daniel Wayne Kizior Manteno Educational Studies JR
Victoria Agnieszka Klimaj North Riverside Undecided FR
Sarah Marie Kosmicki Carbondale Environmental Studies SR
Joseph Lukas Kozlowicz Carpentersville English Literature SO
Jill Ann Krippel Plainfield Undecided FR
David Thomas Kurian Elburn Biology SR
Sarah Thomas Kurian Elburn Biochemistry SR
Joshua Nathaniel Lawitts Northbrook Asian Studies SR
Zack Rives Lazar Naperville Psychology SR
Joyce Haein Lee Buffalo Grove Psychology JR
Allison Beth Levine Riverwoods Undecided FR
Nina Elizabeth Litoff Chicago Studio Art SO
Miranda Ruth Machula Champaign Psychology JR
Samuel Andrew Magnuson Altona Economics SR
Christian Devon Mahone Chicago Educational Studies SO
Kelsey Anne Martinez Crystal Lake Environmental Studies SO
Windel Emman Tecson Mascarinas Westchester Chemistry, Physics SR
Autumn Rose McGarr Batavia Undecided FR
Katherine Rae McManus Waterloo Social Science Education, History SR
William M. Meyer Cary Biology JR
Jennifer Lauren Milius Rockford Art History, Self-Designed Major SR
Amy Christine Miller Danvers Undecided SO
Chanel Kitrin Miller Galesburg Neuroscience SR
Kristin Lucille Miller Wheaton Biology SR
John Patrick Moore Chicago Psychology SO
Shaunak Ramesh Mulani Bourbonnais Undecided SO
Erin Elizabeth Navolio Hinsdale Educational Studies JR
Kathryn Christine Nellett Mokena Neuroscience SR
Anna Novikova Palatine Undecided SO
Eileen Isabel O'Brien Chicago Educational Studies SR
Lauren Elizabeth Peretz Glenview Educational Studies, Spanish SR
Anne Elizabeth Pittman Herrin Undecided SO
Miyako Allison Pleines Aurora Creative Writing SO
Marie-Alix Powell Chicago Educational Studies, Social Science Education GR
Diana Shukla Preshad Chicago Psychology SO
Perrin Gardner Rademacher Wheaton Political Science SR
Analise Garner Rahn Sycamore Theatre SR
Ashley Rose Rapaport Deerfield Undecided SO
Jordan Joseph Reifsteck Machesney Park History, Spanish SO
Cynthia Michelle Reiter Bloomington English Literature, Educational Studies SR
Christine E.M. Reuter Hudson Psychology SR
Dana Olivia Robinson Downers Grove Undecided FR
Michaela Rae Romano Macomb Anthropology & Sociology JR
Angelina Araceila Rosa Chicago Educational Studies SO
Jacob Wayne Runge Galesburg Educational Studies, Creative Writing SR
Shiri Tovah Salehin Romeoville Psychology SO
Casey Andrew Avedis Samoore Jacksonville Undecided SO
Scott Joseph Sapp Mahomet Environmental Studies, Biology JR
Simon Robert Schneider Oak Park Physics, Mathematics SR
Alex Michael Schobert Belleville Educational Studies, English Literature SO
Emily Turnbull Schuler Naperville Educational Studies, English Literature SR
Megan Marie Schultz Mulberry Grove Creative Writing SO
Maya Kay Sharma Chicago Creative Writing SO
David Kirke Sievers Wauconda History SR
Lauren Mae Smith Carthage Psychology SO
Adam Joseph Soto Des Plaines Creative Writing, Art History SR
Alison Mae Spataro Lombard Educational Studies, French JR
Kaitlyn Kristine Stunkard Murrayville Creative Writing SO
Kasandara Sorina Sullivan New Lenox Undecided FR
Ryan Arthur Sweikert Peoria Creative Writing SR
Whitney Lorraine Taylor Chicago Educational Studies JR
Laura Kathryn Thompson Batavia Undecided FR
Courtney Joyce Tichler Fulton History SO
Alex Joseph Vaassen Galesburg Psychology SR
Krista Josephine Valenziano Lake Villa Educational Studies SR
Christina Marie Vanni Marion Philosophy SR
Ramya Venigalla Naperville Anthropology & Sociology SR
Christina D. Warner Wilmette Psychology SO
Mary Elizabeth Warner Champaign Undecided FR
Deanna Lynn Wendel Bishop Hill English Literature, Philosophy SR
Benjamin Charles Wetherbee Bull Valley Undecided SO
Randall James Whitmore Albany Undecided SO
Jeffrey Tristan Wickman Naperville Educational Studies SO
Kelly Elizabeth Wiggen Palatine Biology SR
Kaeli Joan Winberg Bridgeview Anthropology & Sociology, Spanish JR
Michael Alan Wipper Ingleside Educational Studies, Political Science SR
Ashley Nicole Witzke Frankfort Educational Studies SR
Shalane Michele Worden Galesburg Educational Studies SR
Jeffrey Sabol Wozencraft Arlington Heights Economics, Spanish SR
Charlotte Rose Young Millstadt Undecided FR
Sarah Joan Zagotta Taylorville Undecided FR
Oliwia Wiktoria Zurek Mundelein Biology SR
Lauren Elizabeth Greve Fort Wayne Undecided SO
Andrea Lynn Johnston Huntington Creative Writing SR
Ian Michael Malone Indianapolis Philosophy SO
Rachel Amelia Clark Newton Neuroscience, Psychology SO
Brett Martin Daley Cresco Environmental Studies JR
Mackenzie Marie Loyet West Des Moines Anthropology & Sociology, Biology SR
Laura Ann Miller Cedar Rapids Creative Writing SR
Gregory Thomas Noth Des Moines Psychology, International Relations SO
Ryan Eric Olson Johnston Financial Mathematics, Economics SR
Emma Marie Swanson West Des Moines Integrated Intnl Studies JR
Laurel Ann Tippe Iowa City Undecided FR
Clara Gaddis Volker Boone Undecided SO
Samantha Belen Claypool Lawrence International Relations JR
Erin Gail Daugherty Olathe Undecided FR
Caroline Renee Gurney Leawood History JR
Abigail Laura Harms Topeka Theatre SR
Christopher James Holland Lenexa Undecided FR
Jacquelyn Elizabeth Mares Prairie Village Neuroscience SR
Elisabeth Jane Ritter Wichita German JR
Tessa Maria Cavagnero Lexington Undecided FR
Avery Leighton Wigglesworth Lexington Undecided FR
Samuel Martin Yeager Louisville History, International Relations SO
John Evan Feeley, Jr. Old Orchard Beach Undecided FR
Chalia Chrystine Bellis Silver Spring Psychology JR
Mary Katrina Firor Salisbury Music, Anthropology & Sociology SO
Sam Arthur Glaser Rockville English Literature JR
Evan Charles Lewitus Annapolis Undecided FR
Samantha Reilly Cavedon Hopkinton Creative Writing SO
Christopher Eran Kottmyer Hanscom AFB International Relations SR
Lindsey Paige Hill Troy Economics SO
Amanda Marie Bigham Maple Grove Psychology, Spanish SO
Tasha Lamberto Coryell Saint Paul Creative Writing SR
Jessa Kennedy Dahl Luverne History, Asian Studies SR
Greta Christine Moos Egge Saint Paul Educational Studies, Spanish SR
Suzanne Elizabeth Keller Shoreview Creative Writing SR
Charlotte Belle Leitzman Pemberton Art History SR
Moira Alison Lenox Minnetonka Undecided FR
Robert Andrew Niemyer Duluth Environmental Studies SO
Tyler Patrick O'Neill Bloomington Undecided SO
Brittney Nichole Ostlie Truman English Literature JR
Helen Avery Schnoes Minneapolis Creative Writing, Political Science SR
Megan Elizabeth Beney Florissant Undecided SO
Troy Christopher Burtin Kansas City Undecided FR
Elizabeth Karina Drake Chesterfield Undecided FR
Brooks Louise Fitzpatrick Kansas City Spanish SR
Joshua Michael Gunter Blue Springs Undecided FR
Nicole Elizabeth Henniger Florissant Neuroscience, Psychology SR
Erika Kristen Johnson Saint Peters Integrated Intnl Studies SR
Jennifer Lynn Kaufman Licking Undecided FR
Shaun Marie Kelly Columbia Undecided FR
Katherine Elizabeth LaRose Columbia Undecided FR
Erin Margaret McKinstry De Soto Modern Languages - Spanish SO
Austin David Mobley New London Political Science JR
Megan Danielle Molinaro Saint Louis English Literature SR
Sasha Ariel Murphy Lake St. Louis Biology JR
Lindsey Annette Murrell Florissant Theatre SR
Stanislav Rivkin Saint Louis International Relations, Self-Designed Major SR
Benjamin Barsotti Scott Kansas City Art History SR
Shannon Rita Singer Saint Louis Asian Studies SR
Emily Mae Whelchel Defiance Asian Studies SO
Caitlin Rose Worthen Helena Integrated Intnl Studies, Modern Languages - Spanish JR
Anna Avery Meier Omaha Undecided SO
New Hampshire
Samuel Howard Flanders III Durham Economics, Mathematics SR
Oliver McAfee Horton Etna Undecided SO
New Jersey
Hannah Rachel Fidoten Cherry Hill Computer Science, Economics SO
Christopher Ryan Johnson Hammonton Computer Science, Mathematics SR
Kathleen Mary Kellett Bernardsville Creative Writing SR
Megan Ann Rose Florham Park Asian Studies SO
New Mexico
Danielle E. Jones Albuquerque Educational Studies, Modern Languages - French SR
Stephanie Grace Lashway Albuquerque Biology, Integrated Intnl Studies SO
Ivy Rose Reid Santa Fe Undecided SO
Mary Elizabeth Vanden Plas Los Alamos International Relations, Asian Studies SR
North Carolina
Levi William Flair Concord Self-Designed Major SR
Krista Anne Nordgren Durham Creative Writing SO
Shruti Sunil Patel Raleigh International Relations SO
Mollie Helen Strawn Charlotte Undecided SO
Virginia Baker Graves Cincinnati Economics SR
Saira Mumtaz Haider Portsmouth Physics SR
John Fox Mast Cincinnati Psychology, Biology SR
Katherine Elizabeth Miller Toledo Undecided FR
Christine Diane Kiplinger Oklahoma City Undecided SO
Maisie Amanda Maupin Oklahoma City Creative Writing SO
John F. Eisemann Portland Music, Educational Studies SR
Catherine Colleen Erickson Portland History FR
Rosalie Griffin Fordham Portland Undecided FR
Corey Daniel Heppner Portland Music SR
Morgan Anthony Montagnino Ashland Classics JR
Christine Leigh Morse Lake Oswego Chemistry SR
Julia Dunham Ohman Portland Undecided SO
Robert Sol Shternberg Portland Undecided SO
Samuel Lawson Bernstein Pittsburgh Undecided SO
Tiffany Marie Morgan Carnegie Biochemistry SR
Puerto Rico
Caroline Elizabeth Castro Guaynabo Creative Writing JR
Karen Ellen Frost The Woodlands Modern Languages - Spanish SR
Beatrice Nathalie Halbach Friendswood Undecided FR
Christopher E. Johnson Houston Educational Studies SR
Justin Allen Newman Murray Chemistry JR
Sarah Anne Furey Arlington History, Spanish SR
Madison Ann Bates University Place Undecided FR
Juliette Pettit Campbell Tacoma Undecided SO
Makenzi Ilse Crouch Olympia Creative Writing SR
Alison Hardie Gaines Vancouver Undecided FR
Rachel Marie Klingler Seattle Chemistry SO
Samuel Mason Lewis Puyallup Undecided JR
Aisha Maia Mergaert Seattle Biochemistry SO
Jenneke Adriana Oostman Hansville Undecided FR
Julia Leota Sievert Seattle Environmental Studies SO
Sergio Ulloa Auburn Undecided SO
Sadie Elisabeth Arft Germantown History JR
Lauren Marie Assaf Fond du Lac English Literature SR
Hannah Kristine Buckland Cross Plains Creative Writing JR
Anna Cynthia Dvorak Shorewood Undecided SO
Areanna Marie Egleston Madison Undecided FR
Anna Miller Emmerling Baileys Harbor Political Science JR
Samantha Renee Heimstreet Lake Mills Music, Educational Studies SR
Eva Stoffel Marley Middleton Undecided FR
Meagan Leigh McAlister Chippewa Falls Creative Writing SO
Tanya Marie Novotnak Madison Psychology JR
Eleanor Kay Ognacevic Milwaukee Theatre SO
Annika Ruth Paulsen Sturgeon Bay Economics, Environmental Studies SO
Kathryn Ann Quesnell Milwaukee Environmental Studies SO
Alexandra Michele L. Rauland Walworth Educational Studies JR
Lauren Elizabeth Scott Eau Claire Creative Writing JR
Ryan Craig Stefanczyk Kohler Undecided FR
Rose Marie Van Grinsven Appleton Educational Studies SR
Margaret Warner Wehr Whitefish Bay Music, Gender & Women's Studies SR
Zoe Witzeling Appleton Ed Studies-Content Area, French SO
Outside the United States
Country Name Hometown Major Class
Amanda Violeta Gutmann-Gonzalez Region Maule Creative Writing SR
Andrea Kang Quito Educational Studies, Spanish SR
Emilie Perrot Besancon, Doubs
Undecided FR
Opokua Abena Amoabeng Accra Biochemistry SR
Ama Gyamfuaa Awua-Kyerematen Accra Political Science SR
Miniona Menuokuou Lungalang Chumukedima
Integrated Intnl Studies, Educational Studies JR
Diana Raluca Oprinca Castel Goffredo MN
Spanish, French SO
Kathryn Antoinette Nembhard Kingston
Psychology SO
Maaya Ikeda Tokyo
Neuroscience SR
Yumi Kusunoki Osaka
Music SR
Saori Moriizumi Tokyo
Studio Art SR
Akina Nagata Tokyo
Biochemistry SR
Joyce Akinyi Omondi Nairobi
Integrated Intnl Studies, Economics SR
Melati Nungsari 50480, Kuala Lumpur Mathematics, Economics SR
Ana Lucia Marquez Tijuana, Baja California
International Relations SR
Raja Timihiri Marrakech Undecided SO
Keren Bhujel Kathmandu International Relations SR
Merel Cleo Johanna Scholman 3438 AJ Nieuwegein Undecided FR
Damilola Kehinde Olotu Oregun, Ikeja Lagos Economics JR
Tomilola Taiwo Olotu Oregun, Ikeja Lagos Economics JR
People's Repub. of China
Cheng Cheng Chengdu, Sichuan
Undecided FR
Qijiao Fan Xi'an, Shaanxi
Undecided FR
Lingyi He Guangyuan City
Undecided FR
Ge Song Zhengzhou, Henan
Undecided SO
Yue Wang Dongguan, Guangdong
Mathematics JR
Yang Xiao Shenzhen
Economics SO
Beijing Zhu Shenzhen
Economics SR
Kyle Juliene Matocinos Cruz Manila Undecided SO
Ya-Lin Lu Samut Prakarn
Biology JR
Minh Quang Do Hanoi Undecided FR

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Knox College

Printed on Saturday, March 8, 2025