We greatly appreciate all readers who sent in corrections to the summer 2024 issue, including:

► Howard W. Dillon ’59, who pointed out that we referred to Indiana University as the University of Indiana in the Open Door feature on Associate Professor Nathalie Haurberg ’06. Our sincere apologies to Nathalie and all of our University of Indiana alumni.

► Berry Elswick, trustee of the Henke Family Trust, wrote to express his appreciaton for noting the trust’s support of the Cherry Street Combo’s latest album, Chameleon. He also wrote that he felt “the lack of mention of the hardworking student artists who put so much time and effort into the Cherry Street Combo year after year leading up to this recording is a major oversight,” and shared the names of the students on the album: Chieko Dunham ’25, vocals; Sophia Elswick ’23, vibraphone, piano; Casey Foubert ’24, drums, piano; Morgan Hopkins ’24, acoustic and electric bass; Chris Regiacorte ’24, trumpet, flugelhorn; Brandon Roberts ’25, guitar; and Zoë Rose ’21, vocals. Thank you, Berry, for sharing their names—congratulations to one and all.

► And the Rep Term alumni who noted that the picture we identified as being from the first Rep Term in the article “From Radical to Routine” was incorrectly identified. Larry Baldacci ’71, an alumnus of the first Rep Term, provided some additional context: “The picture is not from the production of Badge. I believe it must be from either our production of Antigone or Seven Against Thebes.” Thank you, Larry and all other alumni, who noted this mistake, for which we offer our sincere apologies.