Following discussions with public health officials and Class of 2021 leadership, the College announced it will hold in-person Commencement exercises on Saturday, June 5, 2021, with Sunday, June 6, as the severe weather contingency date.
Commencement exercises will be split into two sessions on that day, and each will be ticketed. The smaller number of participating graduates will enable the class to safely bring two guests, as long as they agree to observe appropriate safety protocols. Should public health metrics continue to improve as the date nears, it is possible the College will allow more guests per graduate.
As in past years, Knox will livestream the Commencement, as well as prerecording the presentation of honorary degrees and the speech from this year’s Commencement speaker. Student speakers may address attendees live, and, at this time, the College plans to present diplomas during the event.
Because conditions are subject to change, the public is advised to visit for updates.
Meanwhile, members of the Class of 2020, whose Commencement exercises were postponed last June, have overwhelmingly voted to hold a separate celebration during Homecoming Weekend, October 8–10, 2021. That event is tentatively scheduled for Sunday, October 10.