Megan Scott
Photo by Peter Bailley '74

A little more than 14 years ago, I returned to my alma mater to coordinate communications for the Office of Advancement, which included serving as editor of this very magazine. I had never been an official magazine editor before, but it had always been one of my dream jobs*, and I was excited to finally have the opportunity to dig into the work. Now, after 28 (yes, that’s 28) magazine issues, I am officially signing off as editor of Knox Magazine and leaving my alma mater to lead the Office of Communications at Lawrence University.

To say that this is a bittersweet moment is putting it lightly. While I’ve taken on a variety of different roles during my professional career at Knox, editing Knox Magazine has always been a part of my portfolio, and telling Knox’s story in this format has served as a welcome creative outlet. During my years as editor, we moved from black-and-white to color, doubled the page count, redesigned the entire magazine, and maintained a robust Class Notes section (despite worries that Facebook would overtake our dedicated correspondents’ work). We’ve featured profiles of alumni, faculty, and students who are making a true difference in our world. And I’ve had the privilege of working with an amazing group of designers, writers, photographers, alumni volunteers, and students along the way. I am excited about my new professional opportunity (and about the fact that I can finally submit to Class Notes without editing them), but I can honestly say that I will miss this work.

Pam Chozen, who has served as associate editor of the magazine for the past four years, will serve as the magazine’s next editor, starting with the Spring 2019 issue, and I look forward to seeing the direction she will take her new role. I have been inspired by Pam’s creativity throughout our work together, and I am certain that Knox Magazine will thrive under her leadership.

Thank you to all of the class correspondents and others that I’ve worked with over the years. It has been a pleasure to tell Knox’s story with you.


*If you remember my dream magazine editorial job, let me know! You can reach me on Twitter @msco.