“Knox doesn’t happen without you.”
That was the appeal that the Class of 2017 Senior Give Back (formerly known as Senior Challenge) Committee posed to their fellow classmates as they worked to meet the challenge presented by Knox Fund Steering Committee Co-Chairs Joe ’85 and Margaret Flanagan ’85: if 200 seniors give back to Knox, the Flanagans would contribute $2,500 to the campaign. And if 100 seniors joined the Finley Society by making a gift of at least $100, they would throw in an additional $1,250.
Inspired by the challenge, 163 seniors made a gift in April at the Almost There Fair, shattering the previous one-day giving record set by Class of 2016 (110 senior gifts). By the end of the campaign in early June, 206 seniors gave back #forKnox, raising a grand total of $16,825.17.