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The Special Collections


Knox College Library

2 E. South Street

Galesburg, IL 61401



Stacks of library books inside Seymour Library.

Among the books in the Knox College Special Collections are rare or unusual books which are apart from our other specialized collections.

Titles with unique bindings, elaborate illustrations, and fine printing are collected as examples of the book arts. Miniature books as well as oversized art titles and atlases are collected here. The Library's earliest published works are in this collection.

Our local history titles printed after 1861 are here as well and a group of rare books and pamphlets related to the history of Chicago are included.

Early works dealing with science, literature and travel help to complete the collection.

12 Million Black Voices Li'l Gal
12 Million Black Voices by Richard Wright. Viking Press, New York, 1941. Li'l Gal by Paul Laurence Dunbar. Dodd, Mead and Co., New York, 1904.
From George Catlin's North American Indians Image from Curtis's Botanical Magazine
Native American, taken from George Catlin's North American Indians, J. Grant, Edinburgh, 1926. Chalcedonian Lily, taken from Curtis's Botanical Magazine, printed by S. Couchman, London, 1790.
Knox College

Printed on Sunday, June 30, 2024