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Open rehearsals: discover the Knox College Choir


Bram Wayman

Assistant Professor of Music; Director of Choral Activities

2 East South Street

Galesburg, IL 61401



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Ford Center for the Fine Arts

Open rehearsals: discover the Knox College Choir

Several times a year, the Knox College Choir invites everyone who's curious about singing at Knox to sit in, or to sing along! If you wonder what choir is like, if you used to sing when you were younger and think you might once again, or — especially — if you're looking to make new friends and make a difference in your college, the KCC is the place for you. Come see what it's all about!

The Choir's next open rehearsals are:

  • Tuesday, Jan. 7th, 4:05–5:35 PM
  • Thursday, Jan. 9th, 4:05–5:35 PM

The KCC meets in Jay Rehearsal Hall, CFA room 156. It's the southernmost building on the main quad, just north of the track. If you walk due south from Old Main, it's on your left; if you exit the Gizmo onto the quad, just cross diagonally and you're facing the CFA.

Frequently asked questions

  • I want to join the Knox College Choir. How do I sign up?
  • Membership in the Choir is by audition. If you want to be a part of the KCC, sign up on our Auditions page.
  • Is attending open rehearsal the same as auditioning for the KCC?
  • No — open rehearsal is like an open house. You can audition if you want to afterwards!
  • Do I have to stay for the entire open rehearsal?
  • No. If you need to leave early, or arrive late, we usually have a break from 4:55 to 5:00 PM.
  • May I attend an open rehearsal without signing up for one?
  • Yes. There is no sign-up for open rehearsal: just come on in!
  • Do I have to sing, or bring music?
  • No! No preparation is necessary — just come as you are. If you'd like to sit and watch rehearsal, there's a place for you, and if you'd like to sing with us, you are welcome to.
  • What if I don't know anything about singing? May I still watch?
  • Of course you may. It's college: if you already knew everything, you wouldn't be here. Come experience something new!
  • Where can I find out more about the Knox College Choir?
  • Learn all about us on our main page, or hear our music on the Knox College Music Department Youtube channel.
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Printed on Friday, March 28, 2025