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Beta Theta Pi, Xi Chapter
Chapter Founding Date: 1855
Values: Trust, Mutual Assistance, Integrity, Intellectual Growth, Responsible Conduct
Philanthropy: Loving Bottoms and Special Olympics Illinois
New Member Dues: $700/year
Active Member Dues: $600/year
Instagram: @beta_knox
Facebook: Beta Theta Pi-Knox College
Website: beta.org
The Xi Chapter of Beta Theta Pi at Knox College was founded in 1855, not only as the first fraternity on campus, but also the first fraternity in the state of Illinois. The international fraternity was founded in Miami, Ohio, in 1839.
Beta's mission states: "Beta Theta Pi is dedicated to building men of principle for a principled life. Our brotherhood aids the individual, builds the Fraternity and strengthens the host academic institution through lifelong devotion to intellectual excellence, high standards of moral conduct and responsible citizenship." Along with this mission, the Xi Chapter's focused main goals include:
Community is important, and the Xi Chapter strives to spend a minimum of eight hundred hours on volunteer and philanthropic events per year. Some of those volunteer and philanthropic events have included:
Beta Theta Pi has a very rich history with the many great men that have been initiated. One amazing Beta great, a graduate of Knox College, is Francis H. Sisson. He is the only Beta to have served in all four of the current Board positions -- President, Vice President, General Secretary, and General Treasurer of Beta Theta Pi. There is a national award for Beta Theta Pi named in honor of Knox Beta, Francis H. Sisson, Knox, 1892.
If you are interested in being part of an organization that builds the individual, serves the community, and holds high standards for its members, consider Beta Theta Pi. Check out our website, which has more information about Beta, the Xi Chapter, and recruitment.
President: Emerson Smith, ejsmith@knox.edu
Recruitment: Nick Blencoe, nvblencoe@knox.edu
National and international
awards won by Catch