College Engagement, Office of Advancement
2 East South Street
Galesburg, IL 61401
Watch an event you missed or revisit events by viewing the recorded session. Enjoy! And please let us know what virtual events you would be interested in attending!
Knox Pays Tribute
View Jorge Prats Celebration Of Life
Knox Celebrates Constitution Day
Listen to Professor George Thomas' lecture on "The (Un)Written Constitution
Celebrating Knox Galesburg Connections
Learn how Knox and Galesburg continue to build partnerships to benefit the local community.
Celebrating Knox Galesburg Connections
Learn how Knox and Galesburg continue to build partnerships to benefit the local community.
Exporing Space and Place
Students discuss how we form attachments and connect to the spaces where we live.
Spring Term Academic Update
Hear what has been happening on campus, what is yet to come, and what is in store into summer and beyond.
Empowering Abilities: Bridging Education to Employment
Director of Disability Support Services Stephanie Grimes; Disability Advocate and Recruitment Specialist William Budding ’13; and current student Audrey Radford '24 discuss self-advocacy at Knox and in the workforce.
Travel to Provence 2024
Join us for a special virtual program to learn about a once-in-a-lifetime adventure to Provence.
Founders Day Lecture
Explore the compelling stories behind recent library acquisitions.
Founders Day Lecture 2024
Dr. Diana J. Schaub presents "Lincoln and The Other Douglass"
Campus Engagement at Knox
Knox College initiatives geared toward student engagement on campus.
Echoes of Time
“Our Voices” brings the Knox community together through the stories we tell.
Challenges and Opportunities for Veterans
Jeremy Butler ’95, Chief Growth Officer for We the Veterans and Military Families organization, discusses issues that affect the veteran community.
Spirits, Ghosts and ???, Oh My!
Jane Phillips ’73 peels back the curtain on the shadowy realm that often dwells within the walls of our homes and businesses.
Day of the Dead
Associate Professor Jonah Rubin discusses Day of the Dead traditions.
We Do Big Data!
Join Professors Kevin Hastings, Ole Forsberg, and Andrew Leahy as they discuss the backstory of Knox’s data science major.
Exploring the Power and Perils of ChatGPT
Learn about ChatGPT and GPT4 with Vera Kazakova, assistant professor of computer science, and Rik Bose, assistant professor of computer science.
Knox Women’s Basketball - Playbook to the Tournament
Kira and the Prairie Fire women share the stories that led to their Midwest Conference Championship success and talk about what’s next.
Lance Factor: Secret Code in Old Mian
Watch the recording: Lance Factor's "The Secret Code in Old Main"
Knowing Him By Heart
Fred Hord and Matt Norman ’93 discuss their new book, Knowing Him by Heart: African Americans on Abraham Lincoln.
Diderot’s Encyclopédie to Wikipedia: Representation Matters
Knox students highlight the Wikipedia stories of several historical, but underrepresented, Knox and Galesburg individuals.
Phonecast with President Andy McGadney
Listen to updates from McGadney’s inaugural year as president and his vision and strategic goals for the future.
Knox Faculty Forum on Ukraine Invasion
Knox faculty with expertise in the area of international relations conducted a forum about the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
Founders Day 2022
The Anti-Slavery Movement, the Underground Railroad, and Knox College, a lecture by Owen Muelder '63, director of the Underground Railroad Freedom Center.
Founders Day Celebration 2022
Celebrate our historic mission and the tradition of active liberal arts with remarks from current students, Provost and Dean Michael A. Schneider, President C. Andrew McGadney, and a tribute to Susan “Sukey” Richardson by Semenya McCord ’71.
Knox College Athletics Through the Years
Four Knox ADs talk about the excitement and challenges they’ve faced, their accomplishments, and how the program has changed.
Positive Psychology Approach to Personality
Kim explains how embracing your personal style can make your life and work easier and more satisfying.
Knox Athletics Open House
An update from Director of Athletics Daniella Irle and Knox head coaches.
Student Psychological Research
Hear how students are learning in and outside of the classroom.
Constitution and Supreme Court
Examine the foundations of the Supreme Court
European Union and Politics
Merkel, Putin, and the changing landscape of European politics
Bringing Space Down to Earth
Learn about the newest innovations in the space ecosystem.
Meet Coach Kira Mowen
Meet Kira Mowen, Head Women's Basketball Coach
Cognitive Aging
Learn about tip of the tongue (TOT) states, the number one complaint about aging.
Talk Knox Soccer with Jorge
Hear some of Jorge’s favorite moments from the sidelines.
Deep Sky and Lunar Observation
Peer deep into the skies over Knox College virtually from the new Knox Observatory.
Music and Social Movements
Nikki Malley: Music and Social Movements
Album Cover Art
Sound and Vision: A conversation about album cover art
Meet Coach Aaron Willits
Meet and greet with new head football coach Aaron Willits
Lincoln's Inaugural Addresses
Featuring Doug WIlson and Matt Norman '93
Knox-Lombard Athletic Hall of Fame Induction
Congratulations to Mary Groll '92, Joe Metzka '96, Derek Mortensen '14, and Michael Smith '96!
Lance Factor: The Great Awakening and the Origins of Knox College
Join us for a talk about the early years of Knox College and the events that led George Washington Gale to the Midwest.
2021 Alumni Achievement Awards Presenations
Leah H. Burton '08, Amy Carlson '90, Casey Jones '87, Melati Nungsari '10, Regine Rousseau '95, Virginia Steen '69
Caxton Club February '21
Featuring Adam Soto '10 and B.J. Hollars '07
Caxton Club January '21
Featuring Monica Prince '12 and Josh Tvrdy '17
National Girls & Women in Sports Day
Featuring Jennifer Larsen Park '04
Language Learning with a Purpose
Robin Ragan, Professor of Modern Languages (Spanish)
Teuro Okada's Scrapbook
Micaela Terronez, Assistant Librarian for Special Collections
The Polls Were Wrong. Or Were They?
Ole Forsberg, Assistant Professor of Mathematics and Chair of Statistics
Improving Electoral Estimates: Leveraging Available Information
Ole Forsberg, Assistant Professor of Mathematics and Chair of Statistics
Chat with Harley
Facilitated by Jordan Anderson '19 and Topper Steinman '70
You Don't Have to be Perfect. Just Be your Best You
Jane Strode Miller '81
Pandemiconomics: The Economic Effects of Covid-19 and Challenges in Higher Education
Keith Maskus '76
Student Perspectives
Living and Learning at Knox in 2020