See who came home to Knox for Reunion 2017
Dickerson's Photography
(left to right)
Front Row: Janet Kuehnle Hatch, Arline Searl Pearson, Judy Scott Smith, Joan Whitney Whitcomb '56
Row 2: Jamie L. Bjorkman, James E. Smith, Joe F. Laguess, Myrna M. Laguess '58
Row 3: Ron C. Pearson '54, Bonnie K. Olson, George E. Olson, Ron C. Lowery, Dick Whitcomb
(left to right)
Front Row: Barbara Cady Schmid, Bob Kennedy Schmid, Patricia Ann Herminghouse, Don Herminghouse
Row 2: Bob Callecod '61, Joan Dude Callecod, Estelle Hohman, Wayne Hohman, Cynthia Latta, Joanna Lyon Spence, Dennis Braiden, Douglas Rushing
Row 3: Robert Elfline, Gerry Elfline, Pam Horner, Connie Hoffstadt Ferguson, Ingrid Malm Temple '61, Leonard Paul Scheffler, Karen Kuhfuss Koch
Row 4: Wallace A. Jensen, Jim M. Horner '63, Kate Calvert Bloomberg, Stephen M. Ferguson, Tom G. Temple, Alexandra Houston Benham '61, Lee K. Benham
(left to right)
Front Row: Larry C. Gray, Kate J. Adams, Carol Romsa Parke, Stella Polchowski Solliday, Janet R. Grinker Altman, Judy A. Crawford De Leon
Row 2: David B. Altman, David M. Slocum, Joe C. Bastian, Gay L. Elfline, Connie Bond, Helen Gilbert, Nancy Crane Poole, Joelle Nelson Sommers, Julie A. Honnold, Margaret A. Sawyer Stanton, Phyllis A. Short Hawkinson, Paulanna Hatchett Wotring, David L. Wotring
Row 3: Hap Hinrichs, John Howard Post, Michael Howard Dyer, Margee Terry Smith, Ruth Goering Ferguson, Jill Duffy Plaza, Nancy Rabenstein Pielemeier, Dorie Campbell Tichenor, Anne Talley Turner, Nancy Meyer Darman, Wendy Hummel Hill, James E. Melville, David Axelrod, Sally Burns Torgeson, Dianne Koeppel Madsen
Row 4: Dennis Chase, Quentin Pletsch, Dick Fiddes, Peter Kirkpatrick, Hal Keiner, Charles Paulsen, Wayne Plaza, Peter Kohn, Tom Tichenor, Rick Uebner, Tom Collins, Sammie Kenny, Jim Heck, Rich Seigel, Michael Wheeler, Peter Robinson, Michael Zielke, Paul Madsen '68
(left to right)
Front Row: Ann Paschall Cohrs, Barbara McCauley Baumeister, Karen Sanders Raleigh, Jane Debowski Pacelli, Pam Toteno Prugh, Rachel Krause Abbott, Mary Kristmann, Wendy Scherwat Ducourneau
Row 2: Kadi Finlayson Meyer, Dean Turner, Chris Rowinski Turner, Deirdre Poste Cummings, Bill Henry Breeding, Judy Ludwig Gorham, Tarry Bartholomew, Janis Dybdahl, Ann Fischer Athas, Ellen Brady, Ron L. Lipton, John F. Kozlowski, John Alberts
Row 3: John William Interlandi, Eldon W. Carvey, Bruce S. Arfken, Pat A. Drummond, Susan Wessels Hiatt, David E. Dapron, Carol J. Daugherty Egan, Jane (Kim) Fuhlbruegge Bourscheidt, Claudia McFadden, Sandy Hroziencik Thompson, Tony Haber, Paul Hurst, Joyce Tucker Allison, Sara Wetherbee Koeneke, Mark McIntosh, David Butler, Leonard Dent Smith
Row 4: Mike Burke, Russ Crawford, Mark Hall, Bill Durall, Bob Shullaw, William Read Hiatt, Jim
Mullally, Jonathan "Jon" Carbary, Chuck Schulz, Bill Palik, JD McMillan, Jack Peterson, Mark
Widmer, Bob Robeson, Dave Wood, Monty Abbott
(left to right)
Front Row: Sarah Kaull, Deborah Ann Stoneking-Watson, Susan R. Runyon-Davis, Tad Daley '78
Row 2: Sally E. Wolk, Carol "Chee Chee" Snyder, Bunny Friedman Faling, Pam Ord Newton, Diane Slaviero, Lynne D. Preston, Jill Reeve Kirk, Douglas J. Hill
Row 3: Mara Anne Malakoff, Brian C. Bond, Ron J. Paprocki, Bruce Alan Hall, Susan Calhoun-Stuber, Thomas W. O'Neal, Steve M. Baumgartner, Bob B. Steinman, Gary Jacobson, Ralph E. Johnson
Row 4: John Richard Bird, Laurie Lynn Anderson, Rick Kalvin, Roger Struhkhoff, Bruce Sopher, Bryn Douds '76, Gary Hoag, Martin Stuber, James Munro, Frank Tran, Dan Calandro, Tom Rendall, Edward C. Jepson, Jr.
(left to right)
Front Row: Joe Gray, Noel Dolan Adachi, Liz Jackson Bernston, Steven Czerwinski, Michael Kraynak, Kate Gingold, Sharon Schilereff, Kelly Norton Warner's name tag, Annette O'Donnelly
Row 2: Jeff Keefe, Jeff Sutton, Joyce Hertko, Jim Wolfington, Greg Bikrd, Dan Cleaveland
(left to right)
Front Row: Jim H. Lenke, Amy Barbara Nykamp, Jean O. Anderson
Row 2: Tino Schuler, Janelle Rettig, Marcia Damato, Xan Fischer, Bob Smith, Casey Jones, Scott White, Carl McLean
Row 3: Jim Needham, Amy Work Needham, Shannon McClure Shirvan, Anna Leahy, Joanne Ochoa Nelson, Gillian MacChesney Hampton, Jeff Hennenfent, Andrew McNair, Stelios Criparacos
(left to right)
Front Row: Michelle Williams Garvey, Tammy Thorsen Ragnini, Julie Hirshfield, Brett Barnhart, Becky Swanson Balish
Row 2: Brad Coats, Harry Rabenhorst, Carrie Wild, Tiffany Staffen, Christy Slaby, Michelle Meyer
(left to right)
Front Row: Jill S. Maulding Wang, Janet Haney Melton, Rebecca Jean Parks
Row 2: Matthew Richardson, Brian Droz, Katherine Haennicke, Kelly Bruce, Jill Hartman, Aga Wysocka, Aaron Cohn, Ben Latimer, Steve Ellingson, Natalie Lanciloti-Ellingson, Joan Selvig
Row 3: Jeff Irby, Eric Sjoding, Colin Flaherty, Kevin Fletcher '96, Brenda Butler, Amy Ferrero, Anne Mayes, Amy Falasz-Peterson, Kristen Pumo, Amy Block Hill, Rashanda Hassel, Jon Blake
Row 4: Aaron Michael Hopkins, Eishin Takahashi, Jeff Oldham, Rebecca Marlene Jackson, Novia D. Pagone, Kate and baby Rex Minasian, Michelle Konicki LeDeaux, Julie Anne Morrison '98, E. Rachelle Daugherty, Tara Mantsch Eliason, Josh R. Mika, Stephan Richter
(left to right)
Front Row: Pamela Hernandez, Courtney Elizabeth Wiles Taylor, Evelyn M. Decherd Nelson, Katy Nicketakis, Jacob Rush Finn, Erin Rockwood Goedeker, Brooks Goedeker, Elizabeth Marie Mandel-Bausch
Row 2: Franny Thomas, Rose Dunphy McAndrew, Amy Lawin, Rachel Rucker Cochran, Chris Nelson, Judy Jenkins, Ben Goodness, Amanda Scripp Goodness, Amber Felton Carroll, Bob Carroll, Cory Bausch
Row 3: Cara Novy, Maria Spencer, Matt Cochran, Allison O'Mahen Malcom '03, Steve Malcom, John S. Coon V, Quinn Adamowski, Thomas Joseph Rohn '01, Ryan August Williams, Brent N. Dixon, Eric Miller
(left to right)
Front Row: Amy Carr, Ella Carr, Amanda Wallen Elliott, Tiara Dais, Karen Kinderman, Emily Ewers, Erin Moeser, Zoe Bermann, Anne Barker, Lindsay Fondow, Kourtney Cone-Grimm & Liam, Mandy Bernstrauch
Row 2: Alyssa Ann Johnson, Ashleigh Lee Honaker-Malec, Emily Linnea Brown-Sitnick, Kevin Megli, Sara Eldridge, Tawny Wilson Boyce, Casey Lea Norton-Powers, Maureen Elizabeth Olesen, Chelsea Marie Wunnicke, Catherine Armstrong, Karlina Trachsel, Kim Kreiling
Row 3: Christopher William Paul, Nicholas Bryan Morris, Sarah Ann Koenig, Julia Miller Strehlow, Sarah Ellis Meador, Will Yeager, Eric Jay Langston, Thomas Joseph Griffin, Lula Hannes,Emily Elaine Quade, Sarah Emily Hankey Zebrowski
(left to right)
Front Row: Charley Deutsch, Maeghan Galloway Deutsch
Row 2: Katy Sutcliffe, Nicole Marie Figueroa, Alexandra LeFlore, Catherine Lilly, Emma Gingold, Kate Heitkamp Jarvis, Christina Warner, Rita E. Mertens, Agnes M. Kolbeck, Emma Chase Poland, Stephanie Sorensen, Tory Kassabaum, Diana Jean Schmuckal, Jessie Johnson, Madison Davis, Rachel Hautzinger, Alison Gitomer
Row 3: Lizzy Johnson, Ellen Ramsey, Greg Noth, Thomas Veague, Megan Funk, Josh Wood, Radhika Kuruppu O'Connor, Aparna Kumar, Emily Whelchel, Rachel Lyman, Jenna Temkin, Ben Wetherbee, Joe Kozak, Abby Owens Kozak, Katherine Miller, Caroline Kionka, Anna Casey, Cody Dailey, Claire Turner, Lauren Greve
Row 4: Laura Alden Mills, Erin Charlotte Duff, Monica Rachel Prince, Jeremy Devon Shaw, Carrie Danner, Cameron King, Mark Wolak, Michael Kolbeck, Robert David Carey, Vincent Michael Rug, Alex Michael Schobert, John "Jack" Patrick Moore, Bridget Grace Dooley, Kiki Lynn Pennock, Maisie Amanda Maupin, Anna Kathleen Cirey
(left to right)
Front Row: Rashanda Hassel, Debra Banks, Mary Crawford, Fay Stevenson-Smith, Marcia Butler
Row 2: Agnes Mahung Kolbeck, Esther Wilson, Lula Hannes, Arlene Mitchell, Erica Stringfellow Tully
Row 3: Monica Rachel Prince, Jeremy Devon Shaw, Cameron King, Dushawn Dwayne Darling, Dwight Timothy Johnson
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