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Scroll of Honor


Megan Clayton

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The Scroll of Honor award is presented to FYC members, including honorary members, to recognize lifetime achievements in serving their community, society, or humanity.

FYC members and friends may submit names and biographical information for consideration. Up to three awards will be presented annually. Nominate a member for the Knox Scroll of Honor online. Members of the Knox College Board of Trustees and those who have received the Knox College Alumni Achievement Award are not eligible for the award.

2024 Scroll of Honor recipients:

Howard Heath ’73 is a distinguished educator with over 30 years of experience teaching at Lane Technical College Prep High School, where he served as the first chair of the Computer Science Department. His dedication extended to the coaching field, where he led Lane Tech’s State Championship Chess Team. Howard also taught business computing at the Lake Forest Graduate School of Management and College Algebra at North Park University.

In 1994, he was honored as the Lakeview Citizens Council Teacher of the Year. He authored a workbook and study guide on Microsoft Works. Howard successfully lobbied for the 5+5 Early Retirement Option (ERO), allowing teachers to retire with full benefits after 29 years of service, and for the 2.2 Retirement Option, reducing the requirement for full retirement from 37.5 years to 33.95 years.

Howard's leadership extends beyond the classroom. He became the first minority Building Union Representative at Lane Tech and made history as the first and only elected Black vice president of the 30,000-member Chicago Teachers Union (CTU). In this role, he was pivotal in securing the American Federation of Teachers endorsement of Senatorial candidate Barack Obama. Howard was also the emcee at the 2002 United Negro College Fund televised event.

Currently, Howard serves as the vice president of the CTU Retiree Group. He represents the CTU on the AFT's National Teachers Program and Policy Council, advocating for retiree political action. His ongoing efforts include lobbying for the elimination of Tier 2, which provides lowered benefits for newer teachers and state employees, and fighting against the Windfall Elimination Provision/Government Pension Offset Social Security laws that significantly reduce Social Security payments for public pensioners. 

Howard remains actively engaged in advocacy and served as a co-chair for his Knox 50th Reunion.

Carolyne "Carrie" Swanson Turner McPherson ’68 embarked on a distinguished career in technology and entrepreneurship after graduating from Knox. She began as a programmer at the University of Florida, where she supported engineering students in learning to code and contributed to developing machine-to-machine interfaces for NASA.

Carolyne went on to found Information Development Consultants, Inc. (IDC) in Chicago, a software firm that initially specialized in creating customized accounting systems for private clients. Under her leadership, IDC evolved to focus on governmental accounting, pioneering the development of DILOG and 4gov—innovative, web-based, SaaS government financial management packages. Her company served over 250 clients across 28 states and territories, including the Trust Territories of the Pacific, Samoa, and the Virgin Islands.

Carolyne earned numerous accolades throughout her career, including the Wells Fargo Bank Trailblazer Technology Innovation Award, the National Women Business Owners Entrepreneur Technology Award, and the Northern Illinois BBB Ethics in Business Award, among others. She has been recognized as a featured Woman Entrepreneur in Small Biz Magazine and served as an opening day speaker at the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) Conference.

Beyond her professional achievements, Carolyne has remained deeply connected to Knox College as an admissions and career services volunteer. Now retired, she continues to give back by mentoring emerging businesses as a SCORE volunteer and serving as a Commissioner of Aviation for the Aiken Regional Airport in South Carolina.

Steven L. Seward ’68 is a distinguished optometrist and educator with a long career marked by innovation and service. Steve initially intended to pursue medicine but found his true calling in optometry at The Ohio State University. There, he participated in the Opt-7 program, earning both a Master's degree in physiological optics and a Doctor of Optometry degree while contributing to groundbreaking research in contact lenses.

Steve was recognized as the Outstanding Clinician at Ohio State, received the Howard Kohn Award for his research, and was Valedictorian of his class. After graduation, he joined his father in practice until his untimely passing. Steve dedicated 45 years to optometry, continuously striving for excellence, as instilled by his father.

Steve received numerous accolades throughout his career, including the Indiana Optometric Association’s Outstanding Young Optometrist Award and the American Optometric Association's Distinguished Optometric Recognition Award for 25 consecutive years. He served in various leadership roles, including as Director of the Indiana Eye Care Network and on several committees of the American Optometric Association.

Steve was also deeply involved in his community, serving as President of the Wabash County United Fund Board and the Wabash County Community Foundation, among other roles. He remains a respected figure in both optometry and his local community.

Past Scroll of Honor Recipients

Michael Armstrong ’70, Jeanne Franks ’71, Nancy Schmid Stanley ’64

Colonel Dale J. Litney ’66, Bob Long ’68, Nancy Rabenstein Pielemeier ’67

Aiyoung Choi '63, Sheila Ann Hegy '63, Rodney Ross '65

Holly Thompson Nelson '68, Margie Thomas Mason '69

Otis Cowan '64, Cynthia Morse Latta '62, Quentin Pletsch '67, Wendy Saul '68

Sandra Allison Cooper ’64, Karen Kuhfuss Koch ’62, Greta Kallio Nagel ’66

Bob Callecod '61, Judie Elifson Hoffman '61*, Jo Ann Ooiman Robinson '64

Gail Hurd '65, Katherine "Kitty" Badger MacDowell '63, Charles "Chuck" Porter '52

Elizabeth Brook '41, Karen Dittmer Boyer '63, Barbara Lee Fay '61

Barbara BJ Bjorkman '54, Frank Gustine '60*, Patricia Burke Herminghouse '62

Will Burrow '63, Jane Ehrenberg Rosen '61, Cliff Van Dyke '51

John D. Cooke  '52, Sue Brown Cowing '60, K. Lane Miller '50

Jane Denninger Erickson '50*, Janet Drew Larsen '60, Marjorie Stuart Waters '52

Dorothy Thomas Wharton '55, Jerry Peck '57*, Anne Cooper Munson '57 

 Ann Jung Finney '58, John "Jack" Munson '55*, Robert L. Willett Jr. '50

Joan Felter Hotchkiss '50*, Len A. Kuchan  '53, Jack Reiners '56

Robert Cannon*, Honorary Member, Barbara Lemke '44, Tony Liberta '55

Grace Bacon Bacher '50*, Ralph Cianchetti '50*, Robert J. Miller '52*

Anne Claypool Brown '52, Robert Hegel '52, L. Davant Mull '51*

Harold F. Pyke '53, Patricia Kimble Simmons '51*, Betty Jane Tate Turney '44*

Mildred Derry Dubois '41, Marian Wetmore Osterloh '33*, D. William Sherrick '52*

Jay Burgess '51, Donald Favreau '49*, Charles Gibbs '50*

James R. Bowman '48, H. Geraldine DuMars '40*, Sam Rinella '49

Bradley A. Burnside '45*, Marye McElvaine Immenhausen '45, Gustav J. Rieckhoff Jr. '48

Anderson, Claude Anderson '47*, Arthur Johnson '47*, Joy Kerler King '47*, Robert J.L. Sundberg '40*, Mary Woolsey Thomson '44*

Anne Brown Byram '38*, Ruth M. Coppedge '39*, Robert Miller '34*, Frieda Ellerbrake O'Haggarty '33*, Dorothy Peterson Ray '39*, Rex Selk '40*, Betty Urquhart '40*

Eugene Bonham * '37*, George E. Bowman '34*, Dwight R. Crandell '44*, Margaret Zelle McClellan '40*, Helen Scharfenberg Peters '36*, Dorothea Richardson '29*, Leno Tattini '40*

Beatrice Farwell Duncan '42*, Elizabeth Johnson Harris '37*, Robert F. Layton '37*, Gail Meadows '34*, Grace Smyth '34*, Isabelle Terrill '33*, Barbara Young '42

Edwin R. Armstrong '42*, Jean Porter Benson '43*, Marian Miner Miller '42*, Henry Rasmussen Jr. '41*, David T. Robinson '38*, J. Harold Shullaw '38*, F. Marian Walker '38*

Michael Newman Adams '33*, David L. Hamm '40*, Margaret Howe Hamm '42*, George John Matkov '38*, Daniel J. Roberts '42*, Mary Onken Styrt '43

Frederick Bromberger '40*, Neva Marsden Fach '29*, Charles S. Gamble '41*, Robert Y. Paddock  '39*, Mary Dilworth Rea '36*, Russell Swise '42*, Vincent A. Thomas '36*

Alice Richardson Dakin '38*, Russell G. Harris '35*, George W. Hendrickson L'26*, Kenneth T. Johnson '41*, Ruth Miner-Kessel '41, Paul Pickrel '38*, Arthur W. Young  '39*

John Baudino '39*, Irwin Berg '36*, William Blake '36*, Evelyn Clay L'32*, Margaret Peterson Crosby '37*, William Snyder '27*, Sarabeth Richardson Welch '40*

Bernard Crandell '36*, William Day '34*, Jane Gray Eberhard '34*, Harold Ford '39*, Dorothy Alsen Lass '39*, Helen Larson McMillan L'28*

Roberta Christy Dalton '34*, Richard Goff '37*, Ella Hanawalt  '13*, John A. Lampe '33*, Ignatius "Iggy" Matkov '29*, Charles B. Robison '34*, Frances Hazen Rowe '34*

Richard Agnew '29*, Marion Yeoman Baker '37*, Russell Lane '33*, Robert McLaughlin '36*, Roy Rylander L'25*, Grace Wargo Stephano '33*, James Knox Welch '37*

Robert Gamble '35*, Viola Meeker Hall L'28*, Irene Bowman Landis '36*, William K. Richardson '34*, Eleanor M. Senn '30*, Marion Charles Van Norman '27*

Harper Andrews '29*, Edith Prescott Crabbe '32*, Rose Erlandson '27*, J. Kenneth Gunther '32*, Maurine Smith Hamilton '29*, Helen Lindrothe '32*, Nancy McLellan Merritt '32*

Alice Simmons Cox L'25*, Dorothy M. Drake '25*, James W. Drew '34*, Sarah Shurtleff Drew '34*, Elizabeth Blodgett Hall '32*, Virginia Hinchliff '32*, Richard A. Hoover '30*, Doris Miles Williams '33*

Dorothy Chamberlin Bednar '32*, Geraldine Owen Delaney '28*, Althea McConnell Gittings L'24*, John L. Grout '29*, Noel B. Mosher L'27*, Lawrence E. Rosenberg '30*

Ann Shaw Darling '23*, Violet Field L'28*, Hilmer C. Nelson L'25*, Alice C. Saar '29*, Howard Silberer '31*, Clarendon Van Norman '26*, Frank A. Whiteside L'27*

William H. Alexander '26*, Jane Root Church '30*, Evelyn Adams Costello L'24*, Joseph Gray '26*, Mary Louise Hoagland '29*, Jonathan W. Latimer '29*, Marion Venell L'28*, Erma Rose Wilson '24*

John R. Baily L'29*, Charles J. Bednar '29*, Lawrence Brennan L'29*,  George E. Drew '29*,  Helen Christy May '25*, Willis E. Terry '04*, William A. Watson L'25*

Raymond L. Anderson '29*, Raymond L. Arnold '29*, Ruth M. Erlandson '28*, Elden D. Finley '23*, Alma Lescher Fox '19*, Von E. Livingston '25*, Richard Nesti L '28*, Margaret E. Thompson '17*, Helen Dopp Verner '27*

Helen Weinberg Browning '14*, Lauren W. Goff L'25*, Henry L. Hughes L'21*, Dorrit Dodds Jones '22*, William H. Robson '22*, Sylvia C. Ryin '25*

James Eugene Conklin '27*, Willard B. Dean '19*, Georgia Wesner Ellaworth*, William R. Fritze L'27*, Hortense Gehring L'27*, Calvin Hammond '28*, George Hansman L'28*, Mildred Fairbairn Hoopes '25*, Milton C. Hult '19*, Isyl Spiker Walton*

H. Dewey Ewing '25*, Ildra Jessup Larson '21*, Jonathan L. Latimer '18*, Cecil C. Lescher '16*, Irene Bridge Mariner '12*, Mary Esther Shaw '23*, Alice Wolfram Smith '25*, Dorothy Spoerl L'27*, Harold C. Whitman L'25*, Gail Youngren L'27*

John R. Anderson L'22*, Faith Hague Bartlett '17*, John Herbert Coolidge '24*, Philip* Drew '25*, Cyrena Margaret Everist '21*, G. Dewey Imig '21*, Arthur Lawrence (posthumous) 1898*, Linneus A. Lawrence '22*, Horace Russell Smith '24*, Thayne Harwood Young '16*

Reuben W. Brockmueller L'25*, Thomas Clark '17*, Mary E. Dunn '15*, Palmer D. Edmunds 12*, George Washington IV Gale '24*, Czarina M. Hall L'13*, Roy L. Lamb L'25*, Cuyler S. MacRae '24*, D. Leland Swanson '10*

Ralph F. Albro '23*,  Marcus Craft '18*, Lois Hurlbut Enz '20*,  Charles Kenneth Lawyer '25*, Brett Neice L'23*,  Thomas E. Nelson L'20*, Harriet Eleanor Robson '14*, Waldo Oswald Urban '22*

Crosiar G. Bower '20*, Marjorie Churchill '22*, Murlin G. Hoover '20*, Leonard R. James '17*, Harold V. Mather '10*, Ruth Chamerlin Miller L'12*, Archie S. Morse '16*, Harold F. Peterson '22*, Katherine Wensburg '21*

Helen M. Eastes '17*, Margaret Elliott Houck '19*, Lewis W. Kistler '16*,Louis W. McKelvey '20*, Harold K. Salzburg '24*, Edmond B. Stofft '20*, Margaret Fuller Turner '18*, Guy L. White '18*, Ernest J. Wood '13*

Lawrence E. Boyd '19*, Kenneth L. Carpenter L'21*, Eila Vanelle Hiler '19*, Kendall G. Hinman '19*, Helen B. Hubbard '16*, Mary Louise Kidney '17*, Agnes Olson Kirchhoff '14*, John H. Midkiff '17*

John M. Baker '19*, Ray M. Brown '14*, Noel Craig '12*, Robert H. McClure '15*, Simon Guy Parks '18*, Catharine Crissey Probst L'18*, Paul G. Spellbring '18*, George H. Wells '13*, Nettie Krantz Wilcox '16*

Margaret Louise Anderson '17*, Mary Fern Barrer '18*, Lewis Raymond Billett '17*, James Ray Blayney '12*, Helen Calkins '16*, Carrie Belle Carroll 1895*, Faye Phillips Frazier '15*, Hobart Raymond Gay '17*, Edward Benedict Grogan '13*, Inez Goodsill Heuber '10*, Ward W. Husted L'17*, Margaret Evelyn Jacobson '12*, Ralph A. Kimble '18*, Ruth Hazen Kimble '18*, Henry W. Lampe '01*, Hugh E. Rosson '16*, Craig G. Whitsitt '10*

William M. Bardens '17*, Frederick Beard '12*, Ray Swan Belcher L'07*, Earl R. Bridge '10*, Mina Van Cleave Buck '01*, Agnes Hartley Cole '13*, Verna L. Cooley '13*, Mary Allensworth Creighton '16*, Harold Hands '14*, Louise T. Harrington '17*, Albert Malcolm Walton '15*, Katherine Whitener '10*, Helen Trask Yates '14*

Nettie C. Allen '00*, Martha Illick Ambrecht '00*, William Kinney Crawford '14*, Ferris B. Crum '16*, Fannie Harff Glidden '02*, Edith F. Hardy '13*, Grace F. Hinchliff '10*, Constance H. Loesch '13*, Ralph D. Lucas '14*, Margaret Edgerton Moore 1895*, Ethel Chamberlain Porter '06*, Willis H. Rich L'05*, Ralph F. Ruth '13*, Harry Lee Smith '10*, Worcester Warren '12*, Inez Webster L'05*, John C. Weigel L'08*, Malachi Wickham '09*

Violet Briggs Brown '12*, Mary Willard Clark '04*, Clifford Bateman Ewart '09*, Martha Alice Good '12*, Arthur Ray Grummon '11*, George Ferris Hayes '10*, Harry Hayes '12*, Nell Townsend Hinchliff L'04*, Mary Willard Hurlbut '15*, Florence Shepard Ingersoll '15*, Robert E. Jacobson '14*, Leslie J. Johnson '03*, Edith Lass '05*, Howard M. Lawton '11*, Howard M. Leinbaugh '13*, Emma Holmer Little '08*, Charles Ward Mariner '08*, Sig B. Nelson '10*, Florence Pierce '15*, Harry & Helen Pillsbury '09*, Henry F. Prince '11*, Lillian Erickson Riggs '15*, Arthur E. Robinson '15*, Helen Margaret Ryan '12*, Paul Jordan Smith L'08*, Nannine Preston Stephens1899*, Grace Loomis Terry 1895*, John Caldwell Thiessen '29*, George F. Whitsett '13*, Florence E. Willard '02*, Bessie Coat Worth '12*, Arvid P. Zetterberg '05*

Oral Sumner Coad '09*, Hammil Ripley Graham '07*, Max H. Harrison '13*, John C. Jordan '08*, Stanley Manning L'05*, Alice Logden Smith '08*, Marie Swanson '14*, Harold Eugene Tobey '06*

* deceased

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Printed on Wednesday, March 12, 2025