Attend an Admitted Student Day!
Whether you've already decided to attend Knox College or are still trying to make your final decision, we invite admitted students and parents to attend a Future Fire Day or an Admitted Student Day and experience Knox firsthand.
Upcoming Future Fire Day for admitted Athletes. Register now!
During our student athlete-focused Future Fire Day, you can tour campus, meet coaches and staff, learn more about student life and next steps, and meet your future teammates. Take a look at our tentative schedules for students and parents.
Upcoming Admitted Student Days. Reserve your spot today!
During an Admitted Student Day, you can tour the campus, including labs and studio spaces; learn about academic programs,
internship opportunities, and off-campus study; observe classes; meet your future classmates; and talk with coaches and professors.
If you have already registered, you may find the following links helpful as you plan your visit:
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