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Todd Heidt
Professor in Modern Languages—German
2 East South Street
Galesburg, IL 61401
MODL 230 Tutoring Second Language Learners (1/2)
This course provides students with an overview of research-informed Second Language Acquisition principles in order to improve the quality of their peer-tutoring and teaching assistant work in a second language. The course will include readings, written reflections, course observations, and practical exercises to prepare for tutoring work. The course culminates in mock exercises that require students to provide tutee feedback and coaching informed by research-based projects. T. Heidt
MODL 260E Introduction to General Linguistics
This course will introduce the traditional areas of linguistics to give students a reasonable taste of what can be studied about language. It will also introduce students to linguistic analysis by examining how linguistics is applied in the real world to answer questions and resolve problems. Topics covered include language structure, meaning-making, language variation, language and the brain, language acquisition and applied linguistics. Prerequisite(s): completion of elementary language sequence or equivalent; C. Akuetey
MODL 295 (1/2 or 1)
Courses offered occasionally to students in special areas of Modern Languages not covered in the usual curriculum.
MODL 335 Contemporary Europe, Migration and Refugees
In this course, students primarily explore the post-WWII European history, culture, and politics in the face of mass migration, refugee crises, displacement, and increasing nationalism and racism as they are transferred and shown in literature. Students first examine the historical contexts of migration and refugee crises to gain perspective for the later texts. An initial focus is on the literary representations of immigrants and refugees in different genres both by European and non-European authors. There is also a focus on the cinematic representations of immigrants and refugees both in documentary and feature films. Prerequisite(s): GERM 335 or sophomore standing or permission of the instructor; Cross Listing: GERM 335; T. Heidt; staff
MODL 395 (1/2 or 1)
Courses offered occasionally to students in special areas of Modern Languages not covered in the usual curriculum.