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Todd Heidt

Associate Professor in Modern Languages-German; Chair of International Studies

2 East South Street

Galesburg, IL 61401-4999



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Students display their countries flags at the annual International Fair in Ford Center for the Fine Arts.

Requirements for the major
12 credits, as follows:

  • IS 100 Introduction to Globalization
  • Social Science Core courses: ANSO 102, ECON 110 or ECON 120, PS 210 or PS 220, and either HIST 245 or HIST 285
  • Three courses at the 200 level or above in a foreign language
  • Three elective courses focusing on a defined geopolitical region or a defined thematic unit, including at least one course at the 300 level. Areas that may be studied include: Africa, Latin America, Asia, the Middle East and Europe. A defined thematic unit is a set of interdisciplinary courses examining one element of globalization, e.g., international development, public health, international business, human rights, global media. These courses must be selected with the guidance of an IS advisor.
  • A substantial foreign experience selected in consultation with an IS advisor. This experience should relate to the overall logic of the courses selected to meet other major requirements and could include participation in an established overseas study program, an international internship, or an independent research project carried out abroad. The IS Program Committee will publish guidelines for meeting this requirement and has final authority to determine whether a proposed foreign experience fulfills those guidelines.
  • Senior research project: IS 390 or IS 400. This project must include substantial social science and foreign language components, in accordance with guidelines established by the IS Program Committee.

Students with flags at International Fair.
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Printed on Friday, March 28, 2025