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Andrew Civettini
Chair & Associate Professor of Political Science; Chair of International Relations; Chair of Public Policy
2 East South Street
Galesburg, IL 61401-4999
PS 101 Introduction to American Politics
An introductory study of U.S. politics. The Constitution, political institutions, and various forms of citizen mobilization are analyzed in order to evaluate the functioning of American democracy. SA; Usually offered Fall and Spring; D. Oldfield; A. Civettini; T. Bell
PS 105 Anger and American Politics (1/2)
This course examines the role of anger in American politics. It begins with a consideration of the effects of anger generally on decision-making, memory, attitudes, and behavior. The majority of the course is then dedicated to the analysis of the ways in which anger affects American politics, including voting, campaigns, protests, public policy preferences, public opinion formation and persuasion. A. Civettini
PS 106 Fighting over Free Speech (1/2)
With a focus on speech in colleges and universities, this course endeavors to make sense of contentious debates over "free speech." We analyze major arguments on behalf of unrestricted speech and on behalf of speech restrictions. We examine the ways in which speech is intertwined with the pursuit of goals such as inclusion and the advancement of knowledge. Students use what they have learned to analyze contemporary free speech controversies. D. Oldfield
PS 122 Introduction to Latin American Politics
An overview of the dilemmas of democratization and development. These issues are considered from a variety of perspectives (including those of indigenous people, women, peasants, religious groups and political parties), and in a number of countries. Cross Listing: LAST 122; PI; SA; K. Kampwirth
PS 125 Introduction to Middle Eastern Politics
This course provides students with an introduction to the major challenges facing the Middle East including nationalism, Islamism, gender politics, and social movements through a focus on a few cases such as Israel-Palestine, Iran, and Egypt. PI; SA; K. Kampwirth
PS 128 Russian and East European Politics
This course examines recent political developments in Russia and Eastern Europe, from the inception and evolution of the Soviet Union to the collapse of communism and the transition toward democracy and capitalism. Readings and assignments analyze the successes and failures of the "communist experiment" and investigate the processes of democratization, economic transition, social change and ethnic conflict that have defined the post-communist period. The course takes a comparative approach, though special attention is paid to the case of Russia. PI; SA; K. Stewart
PS 135 Introduction to American Public Policy
This course focuses on the in-depth study of major current public policy issues. It looks at how American public policy is formulated and how public policies can be evaluated. These theoretical bases are then applied to a series of case studies of public policies to show more fully how the policy process works and to develop a fuller understanding of contemporary public policy issues. The federal budgetary process will always be included, but other topics will vary with each offering. Examples of past or possible policy areas include social security reform, welfare reform, education reform, and criminal justice policies. SA; Offered every year, usually in the Fall; A. Civettini
PS 200 Games, Strategies, and Politics
This course is an introduction to game theory and strategic behavior. Game theory is a systematic framework for understanding strategic interaction: games model the interaction between players (politicians, firms, countries) where outcomes are determined by the configuration of players' preferences and the structure of the interaction. In political science games are employed to explain a broad range of phenomena, including but not limited to legislative bargaining, agenda setting, voting behavior, and international conflict. In this course students will learn to develop and solve games as well as important concepts such as dominant strategies, equilibrium, and backward induction, among others. Prerequisite(s): Math Proficiency; QR; A. Civettini
PS 205 World Legal Systems
Judicial politics is the study of how political dynamics shape courts and how courts shape politics and society. This course engages with different theories to compare and contrast how law, politics, and judiciaries interact around the world. This course will attempt to answer questions such as the following: What is the political logic that gives rise to judicial power? How do different courts make decisions? How do different political contexts (democracy, authoritarianism) shape the way courts make decisions? Why are some judiciaries more independent than others? Can courts bring about social and political change? T. Bell
PS 206 The Transnational Far Right
Racist, anti-immigrant, and religious nationalist forces have gained ground in many countries in recent years. Focusing on the United States and Europe, this course analyzes the emergence, activities, and impact of these far right movements and parties. We analyze transnational connections betwen these groups and their relation to more 'mainstream' political forces. The course concludes with an examination of responses to far right activism. SA; D. Oldfield
PS 207 Russian Foreign Policy
This course examines the motivations, strategies, and effects of Russian foreign policy in its neighborhood and in the international system. We analyze contemporary and historical cases of conflict and cooperation in political, cultural, and economic issue areas through policy paper and simulation assignments. K. Stewart
PS 210 Survey of International Relations
Examination of the state system, elements of national power, sources of international conflict, the nature of war and strategy in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, measures to resolve conflicts, and prospects for the future. Additional concerns include "non-political" problems of resource scarcity, over-population and multinational corporations and their impact on third world states. Usually offered in the Fall; K. Stewart
PS 215 Post-Communist Politics and Religion in Bulgaria (1/2)
Immerse yourself in Bulgaria on a short-term, faculty-led program based in Sofia, with an opportunity for visiting Plovdiv, Europe's oldest continuously inhabited city, and the Rila Monastery "St. Ivan of Rila," the largest Eastern Orthodox monastery in Bulgaria and a UNESCO world heritage site. Students will explore how its turbulent past affects its contemporary national identity. Through meetings with students and faculty from local universities, students will learn about the first Bulgarian constitution and its importance in shaping today's parliamentary democracy, the religious tolerance of the Bulgarian people, the saving of Bulgarian Jews during World War II, and much more. Prerequisite(s): Enrollment in or previous completion of PS 128; Cross Listing: RELS 215; Offered alternate years; K. Stewart
PS 220 Survey of Comparative Politics
An introduction to the basic theories of comparative politics in general use. Theories will be evaluated through consideration of a major theme in the subfield of comparative politics, such as political culture or democratization, considering this theme in the context of a number of countries. Prerequisite(s): PS 101 or PS 210 recommended; SA; Usually offered in the Winter; K. Kampwirth; K. Stewart
PS 222 Media & Politics
This course introduces students to the role of the media - newspapers, television, magazines, Internet - and its effects on public opinion and public policy. Students will gain a working knowledge of how the media work and how they influence - and are influenced by - the political world, particularly during elections. The course explores theoretical foundations of political communication, including framing, agenda setting, agenda building and branding, and gives students a strong practical knowledge of how to scrutinize media messages to discern what is reliable, credible news and what is not. Cross Listing: JOUR 222; J. Dyer
PS 227 Women and Latin American Politics
The varied roles that women play in politics--from international politics to personal politics--are considered. The focus is on the different ways in which women define their interests and act upon them, but gender in a broader sense (including men's roles) is analyzed. This course will analyze these issues in the context of a number of Latin American countries. Prerequisite(s): one course in social science or gender and women's studies required; Cross Listing: GWST 227;LAST 227; PI; SA; K. Kampwirth
PS 230 Political Science Research Methods (1/2)
This course introduces students to how political scientists study political phenomena. Students will gain a working knowledge of the social scientific approach to research as well as the methods by which political scientists gather and analyze data. Students will be exposed to a framework for writing in political science by dissecting the process of political science research and the composition of the research report. Utilizing these tools, we explore the scope of political science by examining research topics in each major subfield of the discipline through reading established work and developing student research projects. Students will leave PS 230 with an understanding and appreciation of the varied subject matters and methods of political science research. Prerequisite(s): Two courses in PS at Knox, or permission of the instructor; Usually offered in the Spring; A. Civettini; K. Stewart
PS 230A Political Science Research Methods (1/2)
This course introduces students to how political scientists study political phenomena. Students will gain a working knowledge of the social scientific approach to research as well as the methods by which political scientists gather and analyze data. Students will be exposed to a framework for writing in political science by dissecting the process of political science research and the composition of the research report. Utilizing these tools, we explore the scope of political science by examining research topics in each major subfield of the discipline through reading established work and developing student research projects. Students will leave PS 230 with an understanding and appreciation of the varied subject matters and methods of political science research. Prerequisite(s): Two courses in PS at Knox, or permission of the instructor; usually offered in the Spring; A. Civettini; K. Stewart
PS 230B (1/2)
This course is an introduction to the tools of public policy analysis. Students will become familiar with the major theoretical and methodological approaches to the study of public policy. Policies discussed will primarily be those drawn from American federal public policy, but this course is appropriate for students interested in public policy at all levels of government and society.
PS 230C Survey Research (1/2)
This course is an introduction to conducting survey research in the social sciences. Students will become familiar with all aspects of survey design, including its strengths and weaknesses as a method, question wording and ordering, sampling, data organization, and preliminary data analysis. Prerequisite(s): Sophomore standing; A. Civettini; K. Stewart
PS 230D (1/2)
Interviews and ethnography (also called participant-observation) are two major ways in which political scientists test hypotheses, collect data, uncover or develop interpretations, and learn more about the world in which they live. In this course, students will read about fieldwork: how to do it ethically, how to deal with the many things that inevitably will go wrong, how fieldwork often muddles what "the literature" told you. This is also a hands-on course in which students will do a fieldwork project of their own choosing, right here in Galesburg.
PS 231 Populism in Latin America
Many of the most famous (or infamous) political leaders in Latin America - people like Evita Peron, Lazaro Cardenas, Rafael Correa and Hugo Chavez - are known as "populists." This course evaluates such leaders, with particular attention to the role of class and gender in their political careers. Other themes to be addressed include: charismatic leadership, classic populism vs. neopopulism vs. radical populism, the uneasy relationship between populism and democracy, feminism and populism, and the meanings of populist followership. Prerequisite(s): One previous Political Science or History course; Cross Listing: GWST 231;LAST 231; PI; SA; K. Kampwirth
PS 234 Political Psychology
This course examines the intersection of psychology and politics. Political scientists draw heavily on psychological theories to explain political phenomena. Topics covered in this course include but are not limited to political leadership and personality theories, the formation and structure of political attitudes, the behavior of citizens particularly voting behavior, the psychology of group interactions, and the psychology of foreign policy, war, peace, and terrorism. While the research explored draws heavily on psychological theories, no prior study of psychology is required for this course. Prerequisite(s): sophomore standing or permission of the instructor; Cross Listing: PSYC 234; SA; A. Civettini
PS 236 Authoritarianism
In this course, we examine the persistence of authoritarian regimes despite the declared triumph of liberal democracy at the end of the Cold War. We compare the tools autocrats use to stay in power, including elections, coercion, and symbolic politics, and analyze the effects of authoritarianism on civil society and international relations. PI; SA; Offered every year; K. Stewart
PS 237 Nationalism
This course examines how governments and citizens create, define, promote, and contest the nation. We will look at nationalism as both a top-down and a bottom-up process in which governments, civil society organizations, and individuals cooperate and compete in constructing the national community. We will explore nation-building and nation-contesting with examples from across the globe, including Galesburg. Prerequisite(s): Previous PS course or sophomore standing recommended; PI; SA; Offered alternate years; K. Stewart
PS 238 Peace, Sport, and Policy
This course examines how sport is used to further national identity, peace, and other public policies. Sport provides a window into exploring how individuals and communities relate to and understand the interplay between rules, authority, fairness, and individual and collective agency and responsibility. Aside from the political socialization provided by sport, a key intersection of sport and politics that we examine is the use of sport to further intrastate and interstate cooperation and peace. These impacts further include but are not limited to the role of sport in fostering identity, furthering national interest, and reinforcing or challenging societal norms. Cross Listing: PJST 238;SPST 238; Offered alternate years; A. Civettini
PS 240 Voting and Elections
This course examines the American electoral process by focusing on three components of it: the voting decision (who votes, why, and how), congressional elections and campaigns, and presidential elections and campaigns. The principal project is an in-depth case study of a contemporary Senate campaign. SA; Offered in the Fall of even numbered years; A. Civettini
PS 241 Social Movements
Analysis of the origins, strategies and political impact of social movements. Readings focus primarily on American movements including the Civil Rights movement, LGBT movements, the Labor movement, the Christian Right, climate change movements, and Black Lives Matter. Cross Listing: AMST 241;ANSO 241;PJST 241; PI; D. Oldfield
PS 243 Power and Social Justice in Galesburg
This course uses in-depth study of the Galesburg area to explore issues such as race/ethnic relations, the politics of economic development, poverty policy, and urban sustainability. The emphasis is on active engagement with the local community. Students interact with community leaders and learn to make use of local research resources. Their research papers analyze, and propose solutions to, challenges facing the community. Prerequisite(s): PS 101 or sophomore standing or permission of the instructor; Cross Listing: PJST 243; PI; D. Oldfield
PS 245 American Political Thought
This course examines the nature and substantive commitments of the American regime through a study of select thinkers in the American political tradition. Considerable attention is devoted to the constitutional ratification debates between the Federalists and the Anti-Federalists. The course also considers the justice of the American constitutional enterprise given the enduring legacy of slavery and racism. Particular attention is devoted to the speeches and writings of Abraham Lincoln in addition to a number of African American thinkers such as Frederick Douglass, W.E.B. DuBois, Martin Luther King, Jr., and Malcolm X. Prerequisite(s): PS 101 recommended; SA; T. Bell
PS 248 Teaching Assistant (1/2 or 1)
Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor; May be graded S/U at instructor's discretion; Staff
PS 265 Religion and World Politics
An examination of the impact of religion on contemporary world politics. Topics covered may include: the rise of fundamentalist religious movements, religious challenges to secular states, transnational religious activism around human rights, peace and social justice issues, religious freedom, and religiously based terrorism. Prerequisite(s): PS 210 or PS 220 or sophomore standing; Cross Listing: RELS 265; D. Oldfield
PS 268 Politics of International Development
An introduction to the study of international development. This course examines ongoing debates about the meaning and purpose of political and economic development, the underlying causes of extreme poverty and global inequality, and efforts by international institutions and NGOs to foster economic growth and good governance in the developing world. PI; SA; Offered every other year; Staff
PS 295 Special Topics (1/2 or 1)
Courses offered occasionally to students in special areas of Political Science not covered in the usual curriculum. Staff
PS 301 Democracy and Globalization
The focus of this course is on the ways in which globalization forces us to rethink basic questions of democratic practice and leads to controversies that are reshaping political life in countries around the world. Among the topics to be covered are: migration, national identity, and the boundaries of citizenship; democratic regulation of the global economy; transnational human rights regimes; and the development of global civil society. Prerequisite(s): IS 100, a 200-level political science course, or permission of the instructor; D. Oldfield
PS 306 American Presidency
The course examines the role of the presidency in the American constitutional order with an emphasis on the uses, abuses, and limitations of presidential power. In particular, the course examines a series of constitutional issues surrounding the office of the presidency including: the problem of executive energy in the American Constitution; presidential selection and the problem of political legitimacy; separation of powers; impeachment and oversight; delegation of powers; the constitutional status of war and foreign affairs; emergency powers; administration and bureaucracy; presidential character; and the meaning of leadership in the constitutional order. Prerequisite(s): PS 101; A. Civettini; D. Oldfield; T. Bell
PS 308 Parties, Legislatures, and Public Policy
This course examines the role of the institutions of political parties and legislatures in shaping the outcomes of the public policy process in American politics. This course covers the role of political parties in American politics, the structure and processes of American legislatures, and the ways in which public policy is formed, adopted, monitored, changed, and terminated through the role of parties, legislatures, and particularly the actions of parties within legislatures. Prerequisite(s): PS 101 or PS 135; PS 230 is recommended; A. Civettini
PS 310 Organizing and Advocating for Policy Change
This course examines the role of organized interest groups in American politics, with focus on the ways citizens organize and advocate for policy change. It begins with a discussion of the reasons for and obstacles to formation of interest organizations. The majority of the course is then dedicated to the analysis of the ways in which organized interests pervade American politics, including elections, legislative action, public policy implementation, and public opinion formation and persuasion. The course concludes with a discussion of the benefits and detriments to democracy of our current interest group system and proposals for reform. Prerequisite(s): PS 101 or PS 135; PS 230 is recommended; Cross Listing: PJST 310; Offered alternate years; A. Civettini
PS 312 International Organizations
An examination of the theory and role of international organizations, public and private, and transnational organizations, in the conduct of international relations. May include examinations of the United Nations, NATO, OPEC, NAFTA, Mercosur, International Red Cross, Save the Children, the European Union, and the International Court of Justice. Prerequisite(s): PS 210 or permission of the instructor; K. Stewart
PS 315 Contemporary American Foreign Policy
Analysis of the issues, strategies, and objectives of U.S. foreign policy since World War II. Machinery for the formulation and implementation of foreign policy and basic assumptions that go into its determination are also examined. Prerequisite(s): sophomore standing; Offered in the Winter; K. Stewart
PS 317 Advanced International Relations: War and Conflict
This course examines the causes, dynamics and consequences of war and conflict drawing on examples from Asia (disputes in the South China Sea, Taiwan, Sri Lanka, Kashmir, Afghanistan). Students will analyze these cases based on the various approaches on war and conflict resolution. They will also evaluate the relevance of IR theoretical paradigms (Realism, Liberalism and Constructivism) to these cases. Prerequisite(s): PS 210, junior standing; Offered in the Spring; K. Stewart; C. Mukherjee
PS 320 Emerging Democracies
This course examines the process of political transition from dictatorship to democracy. Drawing on examples from Eastern Europe, Africa, Asia and the Middle East, students analyze the key determinants of successful democratization and consider the causes and consequences of the global spread of democracy. Prerequisite(s): PS 220 or permission of the instructor; K. Stewart
PS 321 European Governments
This course is divided into three sections. In the first, we survey the history and development of the European Union as a supranational governing body. Next, we focus on the most recent wave of enlargement, when the EU expanded its membership to include ten new post-communist states. In the final section, we survey some of the most important political challenges facing the EU today. Prerequisite(s): sophomore standing; Staff
PS 326 Comparative Revolution
Why do people revolt? When do they succeed? What happens after the overthrow of the old regime? This course addresses these and other questions related to class, culture, gender, and religion by considering revolutionary movements in a number of countries with a focus on Latin American, Asian, and Middle Eastern cases. Prerequisite(s): previous 200 or 300 level course work in social science or history; Cross Listing: LAST 326;PJST 326; PI; K. Kampwirth
PS 333 Global Feminism and Antifeminism
This course will examine backlashes against feminist movements, and against states and global forces that seek to mobilize men and women into more egalitarian roles. Considering examples from the United States, South Asia, the Middle East, Eastern Europe and Latin America, this course will consider what sorts of people become antifeminists; how they organize within countries; how that organization has varied across time and cultures; and how international feminists have responded to these challenges. Prerequisite(s): at least one course in which gender is a major theme; Cross Listing: GWST 333;PJST 333; PI; K. Kampwirth
PS 334 LGBT Politics in Latin America
The political visibility and rights of the LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans) community in Latin America has changed dramatically over the course of the last generation or two. This course will explore how and why political life has changed, and will compare the political experiences of LGBT citizens of several particular countries. The focus of the course is on the countries of Latin America, though LGBT political history in other areas, such as the U.S. and Europe, will be considered in the introduction to the course, which will analyze both institutional and social movement politics. Prerequisite(s): Sophomore standing; Cross Listing: GWST 334;LAST 334;PJST 334; PI; K. Kampwirth
PS 341 Early Political Thought: Justice, Virtue, Democracy
This course examines political theories from the remote past and invites students to consider their influence in the present. Greek theorists such as Thucydides, Plato, and Aristotle are read as examples of pre-modern thought. This course strikes a balance between understanding these works within their historical context and applying their ideas to circumstances beyond the authors' imagining. Prerequisite(s): Any PS or CLAS course; sophomore standing recommended; Cross Listing: CLAS 341;CLAS 341; Offered alternate years; T. Bell; M. Parks
PS 342 The Modern Theorists
Machiavelli to Marx. The political writings of Machiavelli, Locke, Rousseau, and Marx are emphasized. The course treats the foundations of modern political theory and analyzes their strengths, shortcomings, and relationship to contemporary political life. Prerequisite(s): sophomore standing recommended; T. Bell
PS 348 Teaching Assistant (1/2 or 1)
Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor; May be graded S/U at instructor's discretion; Staff
PS 360 Politics of Climate Change
This course will explore the poltical debate on climate change. Students will examine both the international negotiations and the domestic debates. On the domestic side, students will study the concept of represention and how changes in public opinion on climate change have led to changes in public policy, particularly in the US. On the international side, students will examine the disagreements between industrialized and non-industrialized countries, and how resulting treaties have reflected different ideas of justice, and different political contexts. The course will be centered around social science theories that help us understand the politics of climate change. Prerequisite(s): ENVS 101 or ENVS 110 or ENVS 295M or a course in Political Science or permission of the instructor; Cross Listing: ENVS 360; No background in statistics or climate science is necessary; Staff
PS 362 Constitutional Law
The law of the Constitution as developed by decisions of the United States Supreme Court: the role of the judiciary, judicial review, and separation of powers; the relationship of the states to the national government, the powers of Congress and the President. Prerequisite(s): sophomore standing; Offered every year; T. Bell
PS 363 Civil Rights and Liberties
The rights and liberties of individuals under the American Constitution: civil rights, equal protection of the laws, due process of law, and freedom of expression and religion. Prerequisite(s): Sophomore standing; O; W; T. Bell
PS 370 Internships in Public Affairs (1/2 to 3)
The department assists outstanding political science majors by giving them challenging internship assignments with important government agencies, political leaders, and other participants in the political process. Interns are eligible for up to three credits, depending upon the length of their experience and the nature of related scholarly papers accomplished under the supervision of the department. Prerequisite(s): permission of the instructor; May be repeated for a maximum of 3.0 credits; Staff
PS 395 Special Topics (1/2 or 1)
Courses offered occasionally to students in special areas of Political Science not covered in the usual curriculum. Staff
PS 400 Advanced Studies (1/2 or 1)
See College Honors Program. Staff